Don't miss the 2024 NGLA Annual Conference!
Refresh your fraternal spirit and bring new ideas to your campus by immersing yourself in an experience designed to advance the future of fraternity! Join us in Hartford, CT from February 22 - 25 for a full weekend of learning and networking! The Quantity Discount is still available - For every ten students who register, one complimentary registration will be provided to a professional from the campus. Secure your spots and share attendee information by February 15!
By February 15: Review Health & Safety Information before registering. Register all members of your delegation. Registration is not available on or after February 16, including on-site. Complete the Attendee Information Form for EACH person who is attending. The information may be entered for yourself or on behalf of an individual. Accommodations submitted after February 1 cannot be guaranteed. Completion of the Attendee Information Form will grant attendees access to Whova.
Whether you’ve been attending for years or haven’t been in a while, we hope to see you in Hartford! Please direct registration questions to