Subject: Here's Your Recording For The "Hollywood Screenwriting Tricks" Workshop

Thank You For Joining Us for
Tonight's Screenwriting Workshop!

Thank you to all those who participated in tonight's workshop, and 1,000 apologies to those of you who tried to join, but were foiled by my bad link! The meeting ID and password were correct, and actually so was the Zoom link, but the hyperlink for the Zoom link was bad. I know what I did wrong, and I promise, it won't happen again! As we kind of implied in the workshop, don't be afraid to fail--Failure is a great teacher!

I want to thank Brooks for all his wisdom and generosity. See below for his contact information. Here, for those of you who missed it, is the recording of our session...
Password: Tricks (case sensitive)

(I swear this link works!)

Because we were running short on time, we had to skip over one of our "games". Brooks mentioned that one of the best screenwriting tricks was to CRUSH YOUR CONCEPT. The game we were going to play was for folks to post a one sentence concept into the chat and Brooks would analyze it for awesomeness. Well, that offer still stands. Now that you've got a bit of time to think of one, why don't you go ahead and send Brooks your concept--he's happy to give you supportive feedback on your concept to make sure it's expressing your vision as powerfully as possible. You can email him at:

Brooks coaches intermediate to professional level screenwriters to help them hit their next career milestone ASAP. If you're interested in learning more about his coaching, email him. And for daily wisdom, check him out on Twitter:

Here are some other links we mentioned in the workshop:

Slacker Trailer: - we showed a bit of this trailer to illustrate an old school example of a filmmaker's superpower...

You Suck At Cooking (Onion Rings): - and we showed this as a new school example of same. Do yourself a favor and check out more of these You Suck At Cooking videos--they are absolutely hilarious.

Brooks mentioned several places you can get screenplay coverage for your scripts:

And he also mentioned this interesting study from called "Beginner's Luck":

And I mentioned some cool, inexpensive new wireless mics on the market:  Rode Go II Wireless Mic SystemOr you can just buy a used set of Sennheiser EW 100 G2's; I've owned these for years and they still do the job. 

If you weren't already, you're now on my No Budget Film School mailing list. This means you will be getting my somewhat-regular newsletters, and information about upcoming classes and programs that I offer. Even better, you'll be entitled to special discounts on all paid programs that I do. If for any reason you don't want to remain on this list, it's very easy to unsubscribe at the bottom of any email.

I've tentatively scheduled my next Guest Expert Workshop for April 29th. This will cover the current state of distribution for no-budget feature films, with distribution strategist Jerome Courshon. More to come about this session in a future email. 

If you enjoy these little workshops, please help me spread the word. If you know any filmmakers who might find them edifying and inspiring, please let them know. Please share on your social media or however you connect with people. I really appreciate it!

See you later this month!


© 2021 Mark Stolaroff
2100 N. Beachwood Dr. #207, Los Angeles, CA 90068, United States
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