Subject: Here's Your Recording For The "Indie Film Game Is Rigged" Event

Indie Game Is Rigged Poster
Thank You For Joining Us for
Tuesday's Guest Expert Event!

Hey Everyone,

We had a full house for today's event. Thanks to all of you who joined us live and sorry we couldn't get to all your questions. We went about 30 minutes longer than I'd planned, but there was a lot of good information offered in that Overtime period. Naomi, like Robert last week, is a very busy person, and it was wonderful to have her so long, sharing her insights.

We briefly touched on a number of ventures she's working on, and if you're interested in learning more about those, I've provided the links below.

For those of you who couldn't make the event today, please enjoy the recording:
Password: Avalon (case sensitive)


I'm always striving to make these programs as good as they can be, and you can help. Please fill out this brief, anonymous survey and give me your thoughts about the session. It will only take a couple of minutes, but will help make the next class or free webinar you attend even better. THANK YOU!

And my heartfelt thanks to those of you who filled out last week's survey! Your insights were very helpful, (someone even suggested a great idea for a future class). I READ THESE! They make I what I do better for you. Thank you again!


We discussed a number of Naomi's initiatives and I mentioned I would provide links to them so you can follow up on the ones that sounded interesting to you. First, her contact points:


If you weren't already, you're now on my No Budget Film School mailing list. This means you will be getting my somewhat-regular newsletters, and information about upcoming classes and programs that I offer. Even better, you'll be entitled to special discounts on all paid programs that I do. If for any reason you don't want to remain on this list, it's very easy to unsubscribe at the bottom of any email.


Finally, please help me spread the word. If you know any filmmakers who might find these webinars and classes edifying and inspiring, please let them know. Please share on your social media or however you connect with people. I really appreciate it!

I'm beginning another production, but I hope to squeeze in a few more free programs before the end of the year, when we're done shooting. Good luck with your endeavors! 


© 2021 Mark Stolaroff
2100 N. Beachwood Dr. #207, Los Angeles, CA 90068, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.