Subject: Here's Your No Budget Confidential Recording For "Vanilla"

Thank You For Joining Us for
Thursday's No Budget Confidential!

We had another great session on Thursday with filmmaker Will Dennis. For anyone who has been thinking about becoming a filmmaker, but is currently doing something else completely different, this session is a must. Will lays out a practical blueprint for learning the art and craft of filmmaking and then applying it to a produceable feature film. 

There were so many great lessons in this session, things I teach in my classes:  make stuff and learn by doing; make sure that everyone involved is on board with the way you plan on making your film; own your camera (and if you can, "own" your DP, lead actors, and main locations); put your money into sound (both production and post production sound); and many others.

Thanks to those of you who attended live, and congrats to our raffle winner! Remember, you can't win if you don't play--another reason to join us live. Of course, for those of you who couldn't attend, here is your recording of the session. I hope you enjoy watching it, and be prepared to take plenty of notes!
Password: Sprinkles (case sensitive)


I'm always striving to make these programs as good as they can be, and you can help. Please fill out this brief, anonymous survey and give me your thoughts about the session. It will only take a couple of minutes, but will help make the next class or free webinar you attend even better. And I'm looking to present my next class. This form will help me figure out what you most want to learn.  THANK YOU!


Vanilla On Amazon: - Vanilla is streaming for free on Amazon Prime. Be sure to check it out--it's really a wonderful film.

Will Dennis Short Films: - we talked a lot about the short films and videos Will made and continues to make to learn the craft and develop his voice. We showed clips from some early ones where he was still figuring it out, but check these more recent examples of his work. Most are really short, so you can watch several of them in no-time. Notice how simply produced these are--they're not complicated or expensive to make. Most cost him nothing, involve one location, and only a couple of actors, (including Will himself--he works for cheap).  


If you weren't already, you're now on my No Budget Film School mailing list. This means you will be getting my somewhat-regular newsletters, and information about upcoming classes and programs that I offer. Even better, you'll be entitled to special discounts on all paid programs that I do. If for any reason you don't want to remain on this list, it's very easy to unsubscribe at the bottom of any email. 


Be sure to join me next Thursday, September 24th, for my next No Budget Confidential--Episode 6. I'll be speaking with filmmaker Charlie Buhler about her new pandemic thriller Before The Fire, which was subject to a bidding war earlier this year. The advance she received from Dark Sky Films covered the cost of the film--very rare these days! She has a great story and many terrific lessons and tactics you won't want to miss!
No Budget Confidential


Finally, please help me spread the word. If you know any filmmakers who might find these webinars edifying and inspiring, please let them know. Please share on your social media or however you connect with people. I really appreciate it!

Thank you again for joining us. See you next Thursday!


© 2020 Mark Stolaroff
2100 N. Beachwood Dr. #207, Los Angeles, CA 90068, United States
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