Subject: Apologies! Farzaneh's moving story which you asked about


The story of Farzaneh: A mother-to-be refugee's struggle

Assalamu Alaykum

Many of you noticed that our email subject the day before yesterday referred to Farzaneh's story but didn't contain it. Apologies for that - we're bringing it to you now! Its a moving instance of how NZF helps the people it does, and very relevant to the week we are in at the moment.

Farzaneh and her husband escaped the harsh conditions in their home country and had made it to Australia as asylum seekers. After a few years of processing, they were finally granted refugee status and placed in the community in regional NSW.

The years of hardship took its toll on their marriage and Farzaneh and her husband separated shortly after getting their refugee visa. Soon Farzaneh discovered she was pregnant and tried to reconcile with her husband but it did not work out.

She was now a young, to-be mother, in a new country all on her own.

Click here to read Farzaneh's story

As you know, this week is Refugee Week 2020.

Since 2013, refugees are one category of people that NZF Australia has been at the forefront of helping. This week, we want to ask our community to reflect on those individuals and families who have fled their homelands to seek safety with us.

Last night we had a fascinating discussion with Nasiba Akram, Founder of Project Humanity and Community Engagement Lead at HOST International around a range of topics in relation to Refugees & Asylum Seekers.

As members of the Muslim community in Australia, we urge you to watch the below video to understand more about the situation of Refugees & Asylum Seekers here in Australia.

Click video below to watch now

As always, thank you for your continued support. As many of you requested during Ramadan, we have more live talks planned for the month of June and will be announcing them once confirmed insha Allah.

We look forward to connecting with you through such sessions, for a united cause. May Allah keep us all sincere and put Barakah in our efforts. Ameen.


The NZF Team