Subject: Announcing our latest strategic partnership with ANIC

Allah swt commands in Al-Quran Surah 5. Al-Maida, Ayah 2

وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَىٰ

“….Cooperate with one another in righteousness and piety…”

In the spirit of this command, and community expectations, National Zakat Foundation has been establishing partnerships with multiple organisations across the country delivering services to our local community. This year we have embarked on establishing strategic partnership with Institutions, within our community. These have included Board of Imams Victoria, Islamic Councils of Victoria and the Islamic Museum of Australia.

I am proud to announce our latest strategic partnership with the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC). ANIC is a representative body of over 200 imams from across the country, reflecting the geographic and ethnic diversity of our local Muslim community.

The ANIC vision is to be an exemplary and unifying organisation of Imams and Islamic scholars in Australia that contributes to the betterment of the Muslim community and wider Australian society.

The mission of ANIC is to provide religious leadership and services to the Muslim community of Australia by supporting Muslim communities, developing educational, social and outreach programmes and fostering good relations with other religious communities and wider Australian society, civic and service organisations.

This vision and mission strongly resonates with that of the National Zakat Foundation. As such I have committed National Zakat Foundation to cooperate with ANIC in righteousness and piety.

What does this mean in practice?
  • ANIC represents a wide diversity of opinion and scholarship; representing more the 90% of our community
  • This expands for NZF the team of scholars and harnesses this wealth of opinion and scholarship
  • There will be increased local scholarship input into our Zakat research activities
  • Committing our collective resources in defending and propagating Islam in Australia
  • Sharing our unique insights into social welfare issues/trends facing our community with Imams and developing coordinated and national strategies to address them
  • Increased resources in raising the awareness of the forgotten pillar of Islam - Zakat
I ask Allah swt to bless this partnership, keep us sincere in our intentions and provide multiple benefits to our local Muslim and wider community.

Abu Muneer Ismail Davids
Chief Executive Officer
National Zakat Foundation

[Click here to read ANIC announcement]
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