Subject: 5 things you should do for Eid tomorrow

  • Tomorrow is Eid ul Adha, a time of remembrance and joy
  • It is the Festival of Sacrifice and when Qurban is carried out
  • There are many Sunnahs and etiquettes of Eid that are important to follow
Assalamu Alaykum,

Arafah has just passed and the great day of Eid awaits us tomorrow. Whilst it is a great time full of blessings, happiness and joy, we should look at making it even better by following its etiquettes closely. Here are the 5 things you should do tomorrow:
  1. Take Ghusl before praying Salat al-Eid: Taking Ghusl for Salat al-Eid is a good way to start your day off with a Sunnah. It also freshens you up and makes family gatherings more pleasant!
  2. Wearing your best clothes: Eid is one of the two holidays we have been granted as Muslims and it is from the Sunnah to adorn oneself. Wear your best clothes and nice perfume and make Eid your day!
  3. Eating after the prayer: Whilst during Eid ul-Fitr, we made sure to eat before going out to pray, Eid ul-Adha is the opposite! On Eid ul-Adha it is mustahabb not to eat anything until one comes back from the prayer
  4. Takbeer on the day of Eid: One should say Takbeer as they exit their house and should keep reciting Takbeers after prayers until the last days of Tashreeq.
  5. Offering good wishes to others: This is an etiquette that we are all much accustomed to. Saying Eid Mubarak to people and hugging them are all part of the festivities of Eid.
Apart from these, remember that Eid is a time of joy and a time of happiness. Let this show on your face as you go through your day and don’t forget to give thanks to Allah with plenty of adhkaar. 

We pray you and your family have a blessed Eid tomorrow!


NZF Team
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