Subject: 💭 An interesting reason why people believe in NZF

Assalmualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaraktuhu

I've been visiting many mosques this Ramadan and discussing local Zakat, but it has brought up another truth in our community which is ethnicity based division as opposed to local vs international when it comes to Zakat. 

Two points that people have brought up more than once
  1. Why are only the "arab" countries constantly assisted by charities? What about all the other Muslims in need, in Africa, India, Pakistan, China and more?
  2. Is Zakat being sent overseas really transforming the condition of the Muslims? If millions of dollars have been sent for the last 20 years and we see no change, surely something is not working?
These are two reasons that people are increasingly understanding the work that NZF do, focusing on using Zakat transformatively in our community.

At NZF, we have never favoured one ethnic group over an other. Our clients come from over 25 different cultural or linguistic backgrounds.

Hence I urge you to pay your Zakat, if you haven't done so already, locally through NZF this Ramadan.
Another point of reflection on our Muslim brothers & sisters in need overseas - why do we only think about them when it comes to Zakat?

Subhan Allah, we should be assisting those being oppressed and in need overseas with beyond 2.5%. We should be sending the best of our Sadaqah, and go beyond the 2.5%. 

Do we only think of them when we need to think about Zakat?

May Allah ease the sufferings of our Muslim brothers & sisters in Australia and around the world. Ameen. Do keep them in your dua during these blesed nights.

Please let me know what you think about the above.

Munir Abdella
National Manager
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