Subject: You absolutely CAN do this!

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at

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Hi Friend,

Do you sometimes doubt yourself?

We all do. Let me ask you what you do when you suffer those moments of

Think for a moment. When you face a challenge or a problem how helpful is
it to doubt yourself?

It's not helpful at all really. What sets confident and successful people
apart is their ability to react positively to their own doubts.

If you doubt yourself and give up then you may be cheating yourself of the
success that you may have had if you had tried that bit harder.

Maybe your doubts cause you not to even try doing something you fear or
believe you can't do.

Self doubts eat away at you if you let them. They will destroy your
confidence and your self esteem.

If you are low on confidence or filled with self doubts then please read
this new page on my website:

Hope you enjoy it and speak again next week,

Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets: