Subject: You Need More Of This...🤗

This week I want to talk about how precious downtime is especially in the times we live in.

With low self esteem you are very likely to have very limited “you” time in which to unwind and just be you.

Maybe you feel you have too many responsibilities, too much work, too many distractions. Even worse, you may have become a people pleaser.

I have experienced the same and that’s why this week I just dropped everything for three days over the weekend and rested. I relaxed and put all the work and other concerns aside. 

I felt a lot better. A lot less stressed and exhausted. You will too.

“Almost everything will work again after you unplug it for a few minutes...including you.” Anne Lamot

Building your self esteem will help you prioritize your needs for a change. Take some “you” time and spend it relaxing or doing what you want for a change. Take some time out of life and switch your brain off to recharge.

Life will be much better afterwards. 

We all suffer a little bit from this and it can be serious, so if you’d like some help putting your priorities first, check this out:

How to Be Comfortable Standing Up For Yourself 

Have a great day!

Karl Perera MA, DipLC (Life Coaching). (new videos each week about self improvement) 

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