Subject: YOU are...

You are...

Today I want to talk to you about accepting ALL of what you are. Every aspect.

I have understood that the way most of us have been made to think, and believe, is that parts of ourselves are to be ignored or surpressed. Even worse, that parts of ourselves are shameful and bad. 

We all have things inside that we are not proud of, or thoughts which are not so good. It is great to try to improve and aspire to be better and kinder.

But...I want to ask you to consider all the aspects that make us human as aprt of who you are. Don't reject them, accept them. Self esteem and your mental well-being depend on this.

I have been thinking of our desires and even our sexuality. If you believe in a creator or higher being, perhaps God, then you must agree that He created all these aspects too.

I think it is important to become comfortable with these aspects of who you are. Desires should not be the main focus of your life but they can motivate you to succeed or to help others. Sex, too can be , and should be, a beautiful and enjoyable thing. It should not be shameful or something to be avoided.

So this week I ant you to consider that you should accept the realties of who and what you are and celebrate these aspects of your life. Do everything with love and kindness and I don't think you can go wrong.

Free yourself of your trapped mind and limitations on your joy. Only then can you be happy and have your self esteem back.

Speak again soon,
Karl Perera

Teacher, Author and Coach, Regent Road, CB4 2AD, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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