Subject: This might be the best way to get self esteem...😀

This weekend I want to make you a very generous offer. I've not done this before and may never do this again! So, don't miss it!

As I explained a few weeks ago my book "Self Esteem Secrets" is going out of print and will not be available again. It has sold thousands of copies since 2009.

Would you like a FREE copy?

I am going to give away a number of copies of the ebook version (you can download it).

To get a copy you need to do the following 3 things:

  1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

  2. Watch a video.

  3. Make a comment on the video - ask a question, comment on the video or make a suggestion, an idea for a future video perhaps?

Send me an email when you have done this and I will send a copy to the lucky winners.

That's all for today. Have a great weekend!

Karl Perera

Coach, Author and Teacher.

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