Subject: This means everything...

Re: Weekly message and newsletter from Karl Perera at

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Hi Friend,

First, sorry that I haven't been sending my regular inspirational messages
recently, I have been busy teaching back home in the UK. Anyway, today I
have this short message for you...

It seems to me that life now is so competitive. Getting a job, making a
living or trying to become successful...

No, life is challenging but what is your attitude towards this difficulty?

Do you give up even before you get started? Do you listen to the doubts
from others or from yourself and stop yourself from dreaming what could be?

It is not easy to know if your doubts are justified but if you really want
to do something and feel excited about it then don't let anyone stop you.
Trust in a friend if you start doubting and ask for their point of view.
Ask yourself tough questions and most important, why you want to do
whatever it is you want.

If you dream of doing something then go for it and don't stop trying unless
it is hurting you or someone else. Let this be your rule.

One of the main things that stops you from trying something new is what you
think of yourself. Your self image shapes what you believe you think you
should do. Find out more about self image here:

You need a positive self image and you need to change how you think of
yourself before others will see you and react to you in a more encouraging
way. I wish you every success as you take on the challenges in your life.
Face them with courage and belief, your self esteem is everything!

Have a great week.

Karl Perera

Author of Self Esteem Secrets: