Subject: Did you enjoy the book?

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Hi Friend,

as a reader of my book "Self Esteem Secrets" I want to thank you once again
and have something to ask'll get a gift from me for helping me
with this...

Did you enjoy the book?

If so, please let others know by writing a very quick review (only needs to
be one sentence or two). You'll be helping others too by doing this as
you'll be helping me to get the word out to those who need my book to
improve their lives.

Just click on one of these two links, sign in to your account and add your
review plus please tag the book with "self esteem" or something similar.

After you have written your review and tagged the book send me a quick
email and I will send you a small thank you gift.

Thanks for your help!

Karl Perera

Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets: