Subject: Our Community...💬

Last time I asked you how you define yourself. Did you do the quick exercise, and what were the results? 


If you did miss it last time, here is the exercise again, try it now:



How do you define yourself? Who are you?

Write down how you would answer this. Think about the unique things you do and this includes your interests as well as your job. 

Once you have this list, ask yourself how you can create a stronger identity. Have the confidence to declare to others what you do and who you are. Work out what you want to do in all these areas of your identity to become a more complete and authentic person.


OK, back to this week’s message...

This week I have been considering how many subscribers have joined this list, (thousands), and how to bring you together. How can we develop a community in which you can find help and share ideas to improve your life and help the others reading this at the same time?

Should I start a forum, or would you like a telegram group where we can discuss all things self-help and self-esteem? 

To vote on this, just reply to this email with Forum or Telegram. Let’s try and get at least 50 votes...

I think that sharing our stories or expressing our feelings could be a great way to help each other!

Imagine how much we can encourage each other, support each other. Your successes should be celebrated! Perhaps you have tried something that has changed your life, share it with the community...I’ll be an active member too and try to help through every attempt you make to improve your life.

My life was at rock bottom, filled with depression and without any confidence. I believed I had no future. I have risen to reclaim my life more than once and reinvent myself. The result is positivity and happiness along with a sense of purpose. You too can do this no matter how low you find yourself right now.

So, forward! Let’s do this together!

Forum or Telegram?

I look forward to hearing from you so that I can better serve you.

A happier you means a happier world.

Wishing you success,














 has been online since 1998. My company seeks to help you build self esteem and feel better about who you are. I am a Teacher, Author and Life Coach.

Visit my website and join me on social media

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