Subject: Let's reconnect...💬

Sorry, I’ve been out of touch for a week or two because I traveled home to help look after my elderly parents. Family comes first!

Because of Coronavirus, I had been unable to see my parents for almost two years so it was good to reconnect with them.

Now I want to reconnect with you. My valuable readers.

I want to help you to build your self-esteem by thinking about an important topic. You.

I’ve had time to think about the important issue of identity. I know who I am, and define myself as a teacher, coach, writer, and artist. 

But who are you? How do you think of yourself?

You cannot be defined easily. None of us can.

You are not merely your job. You are so much more. But are you making the most of all your talents and abilities? Are you being limited by society’s habit of labeling you as one particular thing, as if you can’t do anything else?

Can you not be a teacher and also an artist? A designer and also an author? A social worker and also an entrepreneur? And so much more than this...

Of course, you can!

So, here’s an exercise that you should do right now to start valuing yourself more.

How do you define yourself? Who are you?

Write down how you would answer this. Think about the unique things you do and this includes your interests as well as your job. 

Once you have this list, ask yourself how you can create a stronger identity. Have the confidence to declare to others what you do and who you are. Work out what you want to do in all these areas of your identity to become a more complete and authentic person.

Don’t be confined by how you think others see you or by what you think. Change your thinking about who you are and how unique you really are. A boost in self-esteem is certain!

I’d love to hear how you define yourself, please send me your answers by replying to this email. In this way, you take responsibility for who you are.

Now, here’s something I wrote that I hope will click with you:

Stop Trying to Be Perfect - New and Updated!

Enjoy your week, and have the courage to be You!

All the best, 


Ps. don’t forget to reply back to me with any questions or comments you have - I’d love to have them! has been online since 1998. My company seeks to help you build self esteem and feel better about who you are. I am a Teacher, Author and Life Coach.

Visit my website and join me on social media

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