Subject: How do you treat yourself?

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Hi Friend,

Where does self esteem come from?

It comes from inside you. If you want to improve your self esteem
then you need to create an environment inside you where it can

I want to ask you what you think and tell yourself inside your
head? Do you help yourself or hurt yourself with your thoughts
and words?

It surprises me sometimes how horrible people are to themselves.
They forgive others but never forgive themselves. They do things
for others but ignore their own wishes. They criticize themselves
for the smallest errors.

How do you treat yourself?

Think about this. Are you a nice person to yourself?

If not how can you expect others to make you feel good, they

*** Get a copy of my e-book "Self Esteem Secrets" and learn more
about how treating yourself better will change your life:

It is not selfish to treat yourself with respect and kindness, it
is necessary.

Start giving yourself some support and stop yourself when you
hear yourself saying something negative. Question what you tell
yourself and check you are being as fair as you want others to

Have a great weekend!

Karl Perera

Life Coach and Author of Self Esteem Secrets