Subject: Hey!😀


Your Confidence Master Plan



Have you ever tried to catch a ball, only to get blocked by someone?

You can’t help but feel disappointed because you nearly reached your goal to catch the ball, but you didn’t.

People face blocks all the time. It’s a part of life.

You are on my email list because you have a goal to build your self esteem.

Today, I want to talk about the 3 biggest blocks you face when you try to build up your self-esteem. This will save you a ton of time and pain!

My purpose is to help you get there as quickly as possible so let's get started...

Goal Stopper #1:

The first block you will face is the feeling self-doubt. You will face this block when you need confidence the most, when facing challenges or when you are experiencing fear. The fastest way to get around this block is to build your self confidence, but how do you do that? The best way is to go get my 60 minute audio A More Confident You - go check it out now! On special offer right now!

Goal Stopper #2

The second block you will is negativity in relationships. You will face this block when you are experincing difficult moments in your close relationships. These challenges can suck away every last ounce of your self confidence and drag you into arguments and disagreement. In this situation you will have absolutely zero opportunity to pursue your goals in life. Luck for you, I've just finished writing my latest article titled How to Build Self Confidence in a Relationship. Go click this link to read it now

Goal Stopper #3

The third block you will face in the future is your own resistance. A voice inside that tells you it is selfish to put yourself first. You will face this block when trying to prioritize your wishes and when you need to say no to others.

The fastest way to get around this final block is to go check out yet another helpful article I've written all about why you should not feel guilty about putting yourself first. It's just what you NEED to hear right now if this block is stopping you from reaching your goals.

Here is why you SHOULD put yourself first

I hope that you have found this helpful, I have been through the exact same journey that you are on and these goal stoppers can floor you if you aren’t aware of them! So be careful of these common “potholes” that you may fall into as you try to build your self esteem and confidence! Learn from my experience and leap over these blocks.

Let’s do it!


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Speak again soon,

Karl Perera MA, DipLC (Life Coaching). has been online since 1998. My company seeks to help you build self esteem and feel better about who you are. I am a Teacher, Author and Life Coach.


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