Subject: Happiness is a....

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Hi Friend,

I wish you a wonderful weekend, this is my inspirational message
for the week - hope you enjoy it.

I'm sending you two things today - a few thoughts to brighten
your Saturday plus some news about what I'll be doing the next
few weeks..

"Action may not always bring happiness but there is no happiness
without action."

- I read this week on Discovery News that busy people are
happier. One thing I've found out through experience is that
keeping busy and taking action helps me to feel more positive and
the opposite is also true. The problem with having little to do
is that your mind wanders and begins to focus on the problems.
Before you know it they get magnified and exaggerated and you're
into negative thinking again.

Taking action after you have planned what you want to do will
help you to have direction and this will lift you. Of course,
make your busyness count towards what makes you happy and what
you aim to do. Just being busy means nothing if it doesn't bring
you satisfaction.

Taking action is a choice and so is happiness. Likewise, don't
blame your unhappiness on the world - it is what is going on
inside you that makes you happy or not and you can always choose
to be happy despite the problems life throws at you.

Don't let yourself be a victim, choose to take action and be
happy. you deserve it.

- NEWS -

Like my emails? Want more?

There's lots more info like this in my member site "Aspire to be
You"..PLUS the site will be re-launched with a complete archive
of all my email messages sent over the last year or if
you've missed any or would like to read them again, become a
member and read them whenever you want!

You can still get in through the back door and become a member
now (your last chance at the discount price):

Also just to let you know:

I'll be busy teaching for the next few weeks and today I'm flying
back to the UK for a long stay.
I'll try to get my emails out to you as normal but if I miss one
or two forgive me.

That's all for today. Have a blessed and rewarding Saturday!

Speak again soon,
Take care,

Karl Perera