Subject: Good Karma: The Key to Life

Hello from far away on a trip full of reflection and positive vibes!

I know the world is dark right now and in turmoil but I am enjoying a quiet escape in deepest Bali.

It's my second trip hear and it is life changing!

Do you believe in Karma?

I do more than ever now. This is the land of good karma and suddenly it seems to be paying me back after the troubles and stress I've been living with over the last year or two.

If you're looking for some healing in your life, I am sending it your way. But ultimately Nature is the great healer.

Look at the beauty of this:

Isn't that inspiring? Nature makes me think seriously about life and our place in it. I see incredible design in everything. Beauty and wonder cause me to believe that there is more to our existence than we realsie. What do you think when you see such beauty in nature?

Yesterday I visited a temple and took this photo. I think Bali is an image and feeling of good Karma. Do you believe in Karma? Have you experienced it?

Please go visit my website, check some more images from my travels, reply to this email, and tell me what inspires you and why.

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