Subject: Do You Need This?🌻


This week's message is all about you.

How are you today? I care about how you're doing and so I have refocussed onto my site I'm interested to know if you ever suffer from depression, I have in the past.

Anyway, I wanted to remind you that if your self esteem falls and you feel depressed, you can turn to my site and in particular this page I've just updated with inspiring poems that will certainly help you to feel better and could help to kick that depression in the butt!

So go check out the poems on this page, and how writing or reading poems is great therapy.

I'd love to know about your experiences with depression and if it is an issue for you, I always welcome your response to this weekly email so please reply back, it will be great to hear from you!

A genuine wish for your health and happiness,

Karl Perera MA, DipLC


Please share this message with others and do share the above page on social media if you find it helpful. has been online since 1998. My company seeks to help you build self esteem and feel better about who you are. I am a Teacher, Author and Life Coach.

Visit my website and join me on social media

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