Subject: Are you treated like this?


Hope 2020 has started well for you. I’m back from my travels and settling down to try to help you build your self esteem to new heights this year. So to look at something I just posted on Instagram and Facebook.

How do others treat you?

Are they kind? Polite? Honest? Confident?

Or are they the opposite?

I get many people writing to me about how others treat them badly and how this hurts their self esteem and confidence. This is obviously something that affects us negatively and something we all need to manage and overcome.

Today, remember that every time someone acts in a certain way they are really revealing something about themselves. Their actions show what is inside him or her. It does NOT reflect on you, so don’t think like that.

What causes someone to treat you badly?

The answer is that they may be jealous of you or envious. They may feel insecure. They need help, as they are trying to make you feel that way. Don’t take this criticism to heart. Refuse to let it affect you, refuse to accept it (unless there is truth in it).

Here’s a link to my instagram post and to my facebook post (first post) where I first discussed this topic. Go visit one of the posts (or both) and...

I’ll give you a special gift if you:
• Go to the Instagram post and comment and follow me
• or go to my facebook page and comment and follow me
• Email me when you’ve done it

The gift is a surprise but is something that very soon I will sell on my website, so get it now for free!

Thanks and do remember to let me know if you tried any of the gifts I left for you last week, love to know how they have helped you.

Until next time,
Best wishes,

Karl Perera MA, DipLC
Teacher, Coach and Author

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