Subject: Product Doesn't Matter!


Have you ever been doing your daily routine when your phone rings? On the other line it's someone that's bought your name from a list that's been sold a thousand times. They immediately start with their sales pitch for their product or service, the moment you say "hello."

These calls remind me of where I started in this network marketing business.

You can tell that they are blatantly reading from a script that was handed down to them from their upline word for word about how great their companies moon juice is and how it's going to change the world.

Many people probably find this annoying. I find it funny.


Because they don't even stop to ask you your name or if you have time for a call, because they fear if they did you would hang up.

I like to listen to their pitch sometimes just to remind myself what it was like when I was out there doing the same.

Here's what those callers don't understand and what I didn't when I was there.

Save your breath, your prospects don't care about your product!

It's a common mistake that I think we all make when just get started. We find that perfect product and we see the opportunity behind it and literally fall in love.

And then you say "What do I do now?"

Your told to go be a robot and read some script without learning the whole story behind it because that's what "they say" is duplicable.

And I'm not saying that having a strong conviction to your business is wrong because I DO think it's an absolute key factor in your success. I'm suggesting that you think from your prospect's perspective.

They don't know you.

They don't know your product.

They don't know your business.

And at first they don't care.

If someone had told me what I'm about to say when I got started years ago, it all would have made a lot of sense.

At the beginning, your prospects only care about what's in it for them. While we are taught a script and try to say it verbatim because we've been told that's what is going to make our business grow. We end up taking our prospect completely out of the picture.

What do they want?

If only I had stopped when I first started my network marketing career to ask them what matters most to them, what their biggest fears were and what their greatest aspirations were instead of reading a script AT them . . .

In marketing, the person that wins is the one that knows his or her prospects biggest problems and greatest dreams and then gives them a solution to those problems that pulls them towards their dreams.

So I ask . . .

Take some time to really think first what your biggest hopes and dreams are as well as your biggest fears when it comes to your business.

Then as you interact with your prospects, just for a little, don't sell sell sell, rather ask, ask, ask.

But be sure to keep a pencil and paper so you can take notes.

Once you know these things you'll be light years ahead of the competition.

>>> Click Here for More On Why Scripted Cold Calls Sucks for Most People

"Fear Terminators..."

~Ola & Shola | The M!L.M Brothers ~