Subject: You HAVE to Read This!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!
 First, let me extend my sincere appreciation and congratulations to 
all of you whom attended my Million Dollar Seminar on June 26th. 
 According to the many emails I have received it is clear that we all 
think alike – that the Seminar was an awesome opportunity for all of
 Let me quickly share with you just two of the many emails I have 
received thus far.  They are self-explanatory and speak for themselves. 
Hey Joel,
Want to let you know what a great time myself and my partner (Kevin) 
had at the seminar. It was very informative and we left with some new
knowledge, new friends, new contacts and hopefully ways to make
more and better money! As I told you, we owe you and your ebook a
great deal of thanks. We would not be where we are now or probably
would not have even gotten into this business otherwise.
If you are ever in NC please give us a "holler" as it would be good to 
see you again.
Thanks for everything,
Wayne Joyce
Director of Transportation
CJ Medical Transportation, Inc.
Now, let me tell you what is so awesome about Wayne and Kevin.
They started their business about three years ago.  They have literally 
built a Million Dollar NEMT business with a fleet in excess of 25
And the best part, they don’t owe a dime to anyone!  All of their 
vehicles are paid off!
 So if you don’t think you can make money in this business or that my 
materials are less than legit, please, ask Wayne and Kevin!
Recession?!  It appears that Wayne and Kevin are doing it the right 
way – straight up kickin’ the recession’s ass!
 And now, listen to Carlos, owner of The Wheelchair Taxi and 
recipient of an “Entrepreneur of the Year” award:
I really enjoyed the seminar this past weekend. Although, I bought 
the ebook and DVD series almost 4 years ago, it was nothing like the
real thing. I learned so much more during those 12 hours than
anything else and the networking was priceless.
I'll be the first to tell you, I wish that I could have come first before I 
started my non emergency business. If you asked me what 1 thing I
learned out of the whole seminar it is that I can honestly say that I'm a
"great" employer but a not "so good" business owner.  But that will
change immediately!
At the seminar, I saw my strengths and weaknesses.  I’m glad I met 
the people I did because we truly were able to learn from one another.
 I would like to come to the next one you have simply to give you a 
progress report of how this past seminar effectively change my
direction of my business.  All I can say is keep doing what you do!
So, what’s “the morale of the story?”   
Here’s what I love about these two messages and others.  These 
entrepreneurs are already in business and are doing extremely well. 
BUT, they still saw the value in attending my Million Dollar Seminar
and associated resources.
 They see and value the educational and networking opportunities 
at such events!  They value the opportunities for their businesses
and for themselves as entrepreneurs.   
Also, these already successful entrepreneurs clearly understand 
and identify the importance of meeting and interacting with like-
minded entrepreneurs. 

They value networking and building strong relationships! 
So, for those of you that came up with excuses of why you couldn’t 
make it to this event or you complain that even my ebook costs too
much, just ask these successful entrepreneurs their thoughts are
on the subject! 
 And after you’ve learned their opinions, then ask yourself, what’s 
the difference?!
Ultimately, winners do and winners do – bottom line!
 Wayne, Kevin, Carlos, and many others ARE winners.  They’re 
literally doing it and creating their own success! 
So the questions begs, if they can do it, why can’t you?

Are you an excuse-maker or a dream-maker?  You can’t be both!

Actors act and seize the day.  They create and maximize their 
opportunities.  Excuse makers brainstorm reasons for never
taking action and they live the rest of their lives talking in
“would-a, could-a, should-a’s!
So, which one are you?  Are you like Carlos, Wayne, Kevin and 
more?  Or, are you like 90+ percent of the population that will
never take action?
Only you can answer that question!  Seize the day!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

“Joel, why do you charge so much for your seminars?” – cuz 
according to all attendees, THEY’RE WORTH EVERY PENNY!