Subject: It's Go Time!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

Saturday is the BIG day, my one and ONLY Live event of 2010!  For
all of you that have reserved your seat, I can't tell you how excited I
am to meet and work with you!  I have spoken to many of you and
now look forward to putting a face to the name.

Please be advised that we will be starting at 9:30 AM sharp!  We
have a great deal of information to discuss and cover so please be
prepared for a long, but incredibly powerful day!

I honestly can't tell you how many attendees I've had at my Live
events and are now doing well with their own NEMT business.  So,
please know that you are exclusive because, unlike others, you
took bold action and decided to invest in your future.

So, much and many congratulations to all of you that we will be
working with this coming Saturday.

And let me remind everyone, there is no paying at the door! 

I once had someone show up to one of my seminars and we had
to turn them away because it was sold out.  Trust me, I don't want
to turn anyone away...I feel bad, but that's also why I advertise
this opportunity for six months!

So if you waited till now and you haven't reserved your seat, then
shame on you!

Bottom line, be on time, bring an open mind, be ready to learn,
network, meet, and great with like-minded people, and most of all,
get ready to take the next step in achieving financial independence!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

Life is like football, a game of inches!  Every inch counts!