Subject: Vehicle Financing Deals!


Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

More great news for UMTPG members. 

Over the past few weeks, in addition to working on a blockbuster
insurance deal for which a lot of you will be saving a TON of money, I
have also been busy working on a vehicle financing deal!

My goals are obvious; (1) save our members money, (2) make the
process easy, and (3) provide members with the right type of vehicles.

Well, I am very pleased to say that the UMTPG is on the verge of
achieving all of these goals! 

We will be partnering with a company that has been specializing in
financing ambulettes and ambulances for the last 20+ years!  And the
best part, this financing company is well versed with working with
companies of all sizes at all stages of development. 

Furthermore, in reviewing this company's history and examples of 
previous deals, it's obvious that they are well "connected" with all of the
major manufacturers and dealers all across the country.

Other benefits include paying less upfront money as compared to 
taking a loan from a bank or the manufacturers financing source. 
Obviously, this will be a big boost to your cash flow.

Also, this financing company is well "connected" with all the major
manufacturers and dealers of such vehicles all across the country. 
So, when you're looking for a vehicle, they can even help you find the
vehicle that's right for your fleet!

So, if you're already a UMTPG member and you're in need of vehicles,
please email me and we will email you an application that we will
forward to this financing company to help get you started.

The new UMTPG website is literally under constructions as we speak. 
But in time, you will be able to go online and just fill everything out
and hit submit.  But until this feature has been activated, we have to
use the old "paper method."

So again, if you're in need of vehicles and you're looking for financing,
please feel free to email me and my staff and I will get you the
necessary application.

And yes, you do have to be a UMTPG member to get this savings
opportunity.  Why?  Because it's like building a GIANT portfolio.  The
more members we have collectively the more we're going to be saving
in vehicle insurance, workers comp insurance, vehicle financing, and
so much more.

Trust me, I know $97 per month is a lot of money for a membership. 
But if you're saving thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars on
insurance and vehicles and more isn't it worth it?  (You would be
amazed at how many people don't understand this concept!)

Because the foundation of the UMTPG has been prepared over a
number of years, it has allowed us this fast start that we're
experiencing in 2011.  Simply put, we have some unbelievably
awesome opportunities ahead of us!

So if you haven't done so as of yet, please email us your Declarations
Pages so that we can save you a ton of money on your vehicle
insurance policy. 

Also, send us your workers compensation policies as we're actually
working with an underwriter that operates in all 50 states and can save
you further money.

So, I apologize for this lengthy email, but ultimately, it's all about 
saving don't be too angry.  Respond and send us your info
so we can help save you a TON of money!

And, make sure you reserve your seat for my upcoming MDT Boot
Camp Seminar!  This is going to be the first of it's kind and it's going
to further revolutionize your thinking and your business.  Be there or
be broke! 

Times are changing and there are serious shifts occurring in our
industry.  I know there are some people out there want to "go it alone." 
Others are so tightfisted they don't see the value in these
opportunities.  All I can say to such mentalities are "good luck!"

I wasted at least $250,000 in the first few years of my business
through trial and error because I didn't have such opportunities.  But 
fortunately for you, you have a HUGE buffet sitting in front of you that
provides nothing but help and savings!

Click Here Now to Reserve Your Seat at the MDT Boot Camp

And don't forget, you can reserve your discounted rooms at the Hotel
Sierra, the location of the MDT Boot Camp, directly online.

It's Go Time!  We have so much opportunity sitting in front of us
despite a pathetic economy...but only if you take action!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group