Subject: Important Read - Make Sure you Open!

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

First things first, the Hotel Sierra, site of where we will be hosting the first
ever MDT Boot Camp in August, has provided us with an online link to
where you can make your hotel reservations online with our discounted

You will definitely want to make your reservations sooner rather than later. 
The hotel can only hold a block of rooms at the discounted rate for so
long.  Summer is a big season for them so don't wait until last minute.

Click Here Now to Make Your Reservations

Next, one of the key brokers with whom I spent the first two days of this
week meeting and discussing in detail the historic insurance deal that is
literally going to shatter your existing insurance premiums will be in
attendance to further discuss the particulars of how many of you are
going to save a ton of money on your insurance policies.

To say I am excited about this opportunity is an absolute
understatement!  Let me give you just one example.  During a meeting
we reviewed just a handful of Declaration Pages that many of you have
sent me.

We reviewed a $92,000 vehicle policy from Florida that we anticipate
being able to reduce their annual premiums by 1/3 while literally tripling
their coverage!

Now seriously, can you imagine what saving $30,000 per year on
vehicle insurance is going to do to this company's bottom line?  Can you
imagine how saving similar rates will effect your bottom line?  It's nothing
short of awesome!

And, this doesn't even include the possible savings we will be able to do
with your worker's compensation policy!  That is another topic of
discussion and negotiation that we worked on this week - saving people
on their worker comp policies in addition to their vehicle policies.

So by all means, continue to foward to me your Declaration Pages so
that we can begin to review and analyze your policies.

Send your Declaration Pages to

Also, bring copies of all of your insurance policies to the Boot Camp! 
Bring copies of your vehicle, worker's compensation, and property
insurance policies.  Our broker in attendance is going to be able to
further work with you and give you feedback on your estimated savings
and more. 

The current underwriter that we are partnering with currently operates in
23 states and growing.  Thus, the more members we have joining the
more states we will be able to expand into.  So obviously, there is
strength in numbers!

I will continue to send more detail on this incredible savings opportunity
in the coming weeks and months so please make sure that you
continue to check your email.

Again, to say that I'm excited is an understatement.  I told you all from
the beginning that this was going to be one of the United Medical
Transportation Providers Group's main objectives and now it is
becoming a reality for all of us.

And the further good news is that as we continue to grow and increase
the value of the UMTPG's insurance portfolio we are going to be able to
further increase individual savings while expanding collective benefits
across the country!

Even if you won't be renewing your policy until the end of the year or
early next year, you need to learn as much as possible about this
insurance savings opportunity as possible so when the time is right
these national underwriters can extend to you HUGE savings!

So, don't delay.  Make your reservations and get down to the MDT
Boot Camp in August!  This is going to be a kick in the butt wake up
call that is going to show you how to expand and make more money
as well as saving even more!

I'm going to show you how to make and save even more money!  It will
more than pay for your cost of attendance so you simply have no

Click Here to Make Your Reservations Online

If you think you should be making more money, then you need to be
in attendance!

If you're working with a broker, then you need to be in attendance!

If you want to expand and diversify your business, then you need to
be in attendance!

And so much more!  Regardless, if you're serious about leveraging the
booming elderly population and building a lasting, long-term business,
then you need to join us in August. 

Again, this is not the same as my Million Dollar Seminar.  The
information and strategies that we're going to be discussing in detail
at the Boot Camp are going to be an incredible shock and jump start
to many of you!

Click Here to Make Your Reservations Online

Keep checking your emails for further news and details.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group