Subject: Time Sensitive - Read ASAP!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

This is very much an impromptu opportunity.  But, it is designed for
some of you whom are located in the mid-west and you're able to act
quickly and decisively.

I will be traveling to Dallas, Texas later this month to join a bunch of
my former Army teammates to watch Army play in the Armed
Services Bowl Game on December 30th.

There are a handful of you from Texas and the mid-west that were
unable to attend my Seminar in VA.  But before I make arrangements
and schedule my plane tickets, I thought to schedule a very much
impromptu Million Dollar Seminar in Dallas, TX.

Now, here is the deal with this opportunity.

Because this is very much impromptu, I need to know ASAP if you're
interested.  I don't suspect that this will be a sold out event.  But, I
would be willing to fly to Dallas a day or two early specifically to meet
with a handful of you to give you a very much EXCLUSIVE training

So, if you're interested, decisive enough, and can meet me in Dallas
later this month, then you need to contact me ASAP!

I will only do this if we gather at least a handful of people so that this
is a feasible opportunity. 

If I gather a legitimate response, I will activate a link for those of you
serious to pay and reserve your opportunity and I will make
necessary arrangements with a hotel in Dallas, TX.

So if you're serious and can act quickly, then contact me ASAP and
let me know if you're IN or OUT!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

The New Year is literally right around the corner.  What are you doing
to prepare yourself for a much improved 2011?