Subject: Read This Email!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that his message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!


Because of family losses and associated responsibilities that I have
had to address in recent weeks, my beautiful fiancé has agreed that
postponing our January wedding and trip to
Italy is necessary. 

Thus, in so doing, I will be available to work with a very select few of
you one-on-one in the month of January.  So, if you’re truly interested
in a fast start and making 2010 your “break out year,” then click on the
following link and let’s get started!


And yes, this is a very select opportunity.  You either “Get It” and see
the opportunity or you don’t!  So there’s no need for a lengthy


If you’re truly serious about blowing up your business then I welcome
the opportunity to work with you.  Otherwise, this opportunity is passed
to some other motivated entrepreneur!


Again, visit me now at the following link and let’s get started on getting
your business up off the ground and moving to a profitable 2010!


Also, I’m attaching two great videos for you to watch.  If I didn’t think it was
worth six minutes of your time I would be including them.  So make sure you
watch!  Plant the seeds of success in your mind each and every day! 


View Video One


View Video Two


Take the time to watch these to videos and absorb the messages!


As always, regardless of what type of business you’re interested in
pursuing, I encourage you to do something!  If you’re not an active
participant in your own rescue, who will be?!


YOU need to sow the seeds of prosperity on a DAILY basis!  No one else
can do it for you.


Make more money!  Save more money.  Give more money.  And sow
and invest more money and you will reap a harvest!


See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis



The Economy Stinks!  What’s You’re Plan B?