Subject: Quick Dallas Update!

Hello Friend! 

This is a very quick message if you're interested in meeting me for
an exclusive Million Dollar Seminar to be held later this month in
Dallas, Texas.

Please use the following link to reserve your seat:

Click Here Now to Reserve

My web designer just put this together for your convenience to
reserve your seat.  If you would like to learn the particulars of this
event and what you will be learning at the exclusive Seminar, I
welcome you to visit my last web page for my previously sold out

You can check out that info out by Clicking Here.

I received many emails and responses from people wishing to meet
and attend this exclusive event.  But, once they learned that its NOT
Free, many bailed!

But, time is money and money is time and I hope you understand
the cost of doing business, learning, and investing!

So Friend, as always, only if you're serious about investing in
you and your business and having a fast start in the quickly
approaching New Year, Click Here Now to reserve your seat.

This link will be active only for the next 48 hours.  At which time I
will be closing this down because, depending on the number of
attendees, I will need to confirm which hotel we will be staying at
and the specific date.

As of right now, I am juggling between three hotels and the dates
of either the 28th or the 29th. 

So, depending on our level of turnout will determine which hotel we
host this event which, in turn, will determine which date we hold
this exclusive Million Dollar Seminar.

Thanks again for expressing your interest, Friend!  I welcome
the opportunity to work with you and look forward to hearing of
your success!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

Learning from someone that's never done it themselves is like
following a blind man in the dark!