Subject: Exclusive Follow Up!

Just a quick followup to those of you ready and able to meet me
in the great state of Texas later this month to jump start your

Many of you contacted me with questions and interest for which
I am very appreciative.  But those of you who are serious, big on
action and less on talk, then please contact me ASAP!  I will
email you a link from where you can reserve your seat.

There are a handful of hotels ready and able to accommodate
with a meeting room, but I need to provide them with a definite
number of participants.

As of right now, I anticipate this exclusive opportunity will be held
on either December 28th or the 29th.  But again, this date will be
confirmed once we finalize numbers.

For those of you who didn't receive previous details, I will be in
Dallas later this month and will be arriving a few days early to
meet with some of you from the mid-west that were unable to
attend my previous Million Dollar Seminar.     

So if you missed the last Million Dollar Seminar, you literally have
NO excuse for quickly jump starting and setting the stage for your
business in the new year.

ONLY if you're serious and you know you can meet me in Dallas
on either the 28th or the 29th, contact me ASAP!

I know, I know.  It's right after Christmas and you just spent a ton
of money of gifts. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

What does spending a ton of money on gifts have to do with you
MAKING money in the New Year?  How's that helping YOU and
your business?

Contact me ONLY if you're 174% in!  I'll get you a link to confirm
your reservation.  I will then confirm all arrangements with one of
the prospective hotels and let you know the particulars.

Dallas is a great city in an even greater state!  I welcome the
opportunity to meet with those of you serious about making 2011
better than 2010!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, United Medical Transportation Providers Group

Learning from someone who has never personally done it
themselves is like following a blind man in the dark!