Subject: Question of the Day

What are you doing to be closest to the customer? 
(private-pay clients and direct-pay facilities) 
My Million Dollar Peeps!

As we all know, EVERYTHING is increasing, and increasing dramatically - food, fuel, labor, mortgages, interest rates, rents, utilities, etc.  Name it, and it's increased.

The question is.......wait for it.......wait for it........have the Medicaid brokers you're partnered with increased their rates of reimbursement proportionately???

Just asking for a friend.

Obviously, we all know the answer.  They're not.  Almost daily we're receiving messages from people sharing stories of how they're being squeezed by the brokers.  

I literally just corresponded with one of our client-providers who wrote the following:

 "LogistaCRAP had a meeting today and they are no longer paying overrides for a few counties, including [Blank] County.  They did offer to pay $50 for a 3-mile trip for a blind guy, we were getting $175 for. It was a Tue, Thu, Sat dialysis trip. We declined. Don’t know what their plans are for the 3:55 AM and early trips, or the Saturday trips."

It's comical.  The national average increase for food in the grocery store is up 26%, but LogistiCRAP just proposed REDUCING our client-provider's reimbursement for a 3 AM pick-up by literally 71.4%.  LOL!  Yeah, with labor cost being what they are, good luck trying to find someone to perform those early morning garbage runs!  Laughable!

You can't make this stuff up, folks!  As I've been saying for years, for all of you who are "married to the brokers," you're literally putting the noose on yourself, and you're slowly tightening it.  When the stool gets kicked out from beneath you, well.......

Imagine if transportation providers were actually aware, TRULY AWARE, of the power they have collectively.  Oh, dare to dream.  Dare to dream.

Trust me, I know the truth can be very hurtful and painful, but reality is what it is, and there's no "self-identifying" yourself out of reality when you're out of business.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

PS: If you operate on the east coast or midwest,  you've been in business for a few years with at least 3-4 vehicles, and you have good Loss/Run records, email us copies of your insurance policy.  One of our new insurance agent partners has some creative products to help consolidate and reduce cost.  

The easiest way to make money is to save money, so it's worth the time and effort to email us a copy of your policy.  Even if they only save a few percentage points, it's much needed savings to your bottom line.

PSS: Just to confirm I'm not making things up, click the link below to see the skyrocketing prices for food:  
Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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