Subject: News & Updates

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that
 this message finds you all doing well and that business is booming!

1. Let me apologize to some of you that have posted question on  I failed to do what I encourage everyone else to do - be
attentive and pay attention to detail!

One of my tech guys sent me an email regarding some work/
developments on the site.  Getting excited and jumping ahead I did not
read his entire email before I started playing around.

I suspect you see where this is going.  Needless to say, I personally
screwed everything up and, as a result, lost many questions and wasted
even more money in requiring more work!

So morale of the story is even the Fat Man makes mistakes!  LOL!

I can't apologize enough to those of you that may have been waiting for a
response.  Please know that it's not because I forgot about you.  Rather,
it's because of my lack of attention to detail!

2. I received a few emails from people explaining that the link to my
Exclusive One-on-One coaching opportunity is not working.  So if more
than one people are contacting me I suspect there are others.  So, I am
reposting the link as follows:

Click Here to Work One-on-One with Joel for 60 Days

3. I received a ton of emails regarding Carlos' ebook, "How to Start a
Successful Courier & Small Package Delivery Service."  There isn't an
active website for this resource as of yet so you will need to email me at and I will email you a link to invest.

Once I your payment is received you will receive a copy of Carlos' ebook
via email.

Someone asked me why I'm endorsing Carlos' ebook and there are a few
reasons.  First, I've done courier work with local hospitals, nursing homes
and more so I know the opportunity that exists.  Especially with fuel
prices increase, more and more businesses and agencies are looking to
subcontract their delivery services.

Next, Carlos has a good business for which I have personally seen and
witnessed first hand.  So I can attest that he is doing well and is legit.  If
this was not the case, then I wouldn't be endorsing his product.

And thirdly, why not?!  Why would I not share a helpful resource with
members of our MDT Community?  So use it and further grow and expand
your business.

4. The following is an email I received from Carol Anderson with "Top Dog
Transport" and an active member of the United Medical Transportation
Providers Group
.  She writes:

"Joel, just received our UMTPG patches.  HOT!!!!!!!  Love them!!  We just
got a double bubble....These are our company colors and they will look
SHARP on our new uniforms!!  Could not wait to tell you!"

For all of our UMTPG members, the "Certified Medical Transportation
Provider" patcher are in and can be placed on your shirts, jackets, hats,
and more.  Carol got 30 of them!  And honestly, I agree with her, they're

The "Certified Medical Transportation Provider" decals for your vehciles
will be in soon.  As soon as we receive them we will get them out to our
Certified UMTPG members.

5.  The new DME Mobile feature is also "sharp!"  You're going to like it. 
I know there are some of you that started using DME 2.0 last year or so
when it was first launched, but the site has since been upgraded and
improved since then.

All our active members are going to like this mobile feature.  And
seriously, it's going to save you a lot of money.  Your drivers can use
their own cell phones throughout the course of the day to receive trip
related information as long as they have internet access. 

Bottom line, it's cool and it's going to be a convenience for drivers and
dispatchers alike.  And, it's going to save you money.

There are more features coming out soon.  I will keep you posted.

Well, I'm highly confident that I'm forgetting some things that I am sure
will come to me as soon as I hit "send."  But that's ok, it just gives me
another reason to fill up our inbox!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group