Subject: Listen to This!!


The following email says more than I could ever say!
A huge thank you goes out to Joel Davis and Daniel Murphy his Online
Manager, for taking such great care of me and my company.  Recently, I
had a bid come up with a major health care provider here in Salt Lake
City, UT and the deadline to submit the bid was approaching fast.  I really
needed the "UMTPG" membership so I could take advantage of the
Certification and Advanced Training and Letter of recommendation that my
company, Mobility Transportation Services,is certified and completed the
advance training that Joel Davis provides; so I could include this in my bid

Joel and Daniel went out of their way to make sure that I was taken care
of immediately so I could make the deadline for this bid.  The letters
alone with the Certification was so helpful that this company was very
impressed.  Anyone out there that still doesn't believe that Joel Davis is
100% to helping each of our businesses succeed is sorely mistaken!

I highly recommend to anyone that is sitting on the fence and trying to
decide to jump into this business with full commitment, that you
purchase Joel's DVD's and see for yourself how powerful they really are. 
Each time I watch them I walk away learning more to help my business
grow.  Once you learn this business you become a member of the
"UMTPG" and take advantage of the great opportunity this organization
provides.  The benefits of the UMTPG are outstanding and add so much
credibility when you're just starting out and building your business.

Thank you again Joel and Daniel for the great letter of recommendation
and allowing me to be a part of the UMTPG.

Spencer McDonald
Mobility Transportation Services, LLC

Thank you so very much for your kind and generous words, Spencer! 
Needless to say, I can assure you, it is letters such as this that inspire
me to continue to do what I do!  I can't thank you enough.

It's a pleasure working with you and I look forward to continuing to hear
of your success!

If you're not yet a member of the UMTPG, take advantage and join "The
Family" now!

Click Here to Join the UMTPG

If you still have not yet studied my seven disc DVD Series, definitely
do so ASAP and we'll rush deliver them to your doorstep!

Click Here to Invest in Joel's Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group