Subject: Personally Conflicted with Employee Discharge

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that business
is booming!

There are many of you that have yet to log into your account
and update your information.  Please do so as soon as possible.

When you're there, I also encourage you to contribute to the Forum
discussions that I know are going to help many of you.  It is going to
increase our communication and further allow us to exchange ideas,
stories, and strategies.

Carlos Banks, owner of "The Wheelchair Taxi" and "Quick Time Courier"
out of North Carolina created a great top for discussion.  He writes as

Hey Joel,

I'm lovin this new site! Speaking to a man with MANY years of experience,
my question to you is this... What happens when your 1st or 2nd
employees that started out with you from day one, become less productive
but you as the employer are emotionally attached and feel obligated
because they help you get where you are and did whatever it took in doing
so. What do you suggest?

This is a GREAT question!  Once logged in, just go to "Bulletin Boards"
and you can contribute to this discussion as well as create other topics. 
I posted a lengthy response to this topic regarding my own personal
experience with this very topic.

MDT Boot Camp Seminar

Another reminder.  Don't forget to reserve your seat for our weekend MDT
Boot Camp Seminar.  Many of you have made your hotel reservations, but
not yet reserved your seat for the Seminar itself. 

Click Here to Make Your Reservations

Also, make sure you arrive early enough on Friday for our "Meet & Greet
Social" on Friday night, the 5th in the Hotel Bistro & Lounge.

This is going to be another great event.  Don't miss out!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group