Subject: Let Me Clear Up Some Confusion

I apologize, it appears that our signup process on our MDT Boot Camp site is
confusing some people.  We had multiple people email us today after my
previous email so I realize I better address the issue.

First and foremost, let me be clear.  Reserving your rooms at the Hotel Sierra
is NOT the same as reserving your seat for the actual MDT Boot Camp Seminar. 

If you don't reserve your seat for the actual MDT Boot Camp, I can assure you,
you're NOT going to be in attendance of the Boot Camp!

The following is a four step process that I encourage you to follow ASAP! 

MDT Boot Camp Signup Info

Reservations at the current price will end on July 6th unless the Boot Camp
Seminar is sold out prior to.  If you delay and miss out, then it's on you!

And remember, once you've reserved your seat, email me! Email me with your
current situation, concerns, issues and circumstances regarding your business. 

Click Here to Reserve Your Seats at the MDT Boot Camp Seminar

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group