Subject: If You're Not Making Enough Money, Read This

MDT Boot Camp

Reminder - Reserve your seats for the upcoming MDT Boot Camp ASAP!  
Prices for both the Boot Camp Seminar and hotel rooms will be increasing
next month!

The Hotel Sierra is being booked up quickly for other events in addition to
our Boot Camp.  After all, summer is wedding season.

"The Bottom Line is the Bottom Line!"

If you're not making as much money as you would like or you think you
should be, then you need to be in attendance!

This Boot Camp is all about "jacking up," strengthening, and diversifying
your business.

In working with clients from all over the country I see first hand the
opportunity that is out there, the success that is being achieve, as well as 
ALL the mistakes or limitations that transportation providers encounter!

This is going to be the first Seminar of it's kind.  If you've attended one of
my Seminars before that's great.  But the Boot Camp is going to be
totally different.  Why - because many of you already in business
definitely need it!

I don't care how much money you're making with your business, I only
care about how much money you're keeping!

If you don't have a significantly growing bank account, then you NEED to 
be in attendance!

If you don't have a fat retirement account, then you NEED to be in

If you aren't increasing the net value of your company and associated
assets, then you NEED to be in attendance!

I know some of you may not wish to attend because you're scared of
facing mistakes that you're making. Trust me, I understand.  The truth
hurts!  But guess what, it's your business and your "ship" could be
sinking and you don't even know!

Prepare yourself for success, not failure.  Thrive, don't just survive!

Click Here to Reserve Your Seat before Prices Increase in July

See you at the Top!

Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group