Subject: Don't Listen to Me....

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As always, I
hope that this message finds you all doing well and that business is booming!

I'm sharing with you a copy of a the following letter from Chris Land, Owner of
Transport Care Services in South Carolina:

Transport Care Services
I could tell you the value in working together, One-on-One, but I firmly believe that
there is more value in listening to others and taking their word for it!

But what's so awesome about this letter and in working with Chris is that
together, we've literally restructured his business, dramatically increased his
profit margin, overhauled his most profitable contract, and just learned today that
a previous broker is literally begging him to come back!!  It's awesome and both
Chris and I are loving it!

Here's the deal.  If you've been sitting on your hands, only thinking of taking a
serious step and working with me One-on-One, NOW is your time. 

This exclusive One-on-One opportunity will be going up in price in 72 hours.  So
if you want to save a lot of money and get the best help in the industry, then you
better take action now!

Click Here to Partner with Joel One-on-One

If you're one of those people that refuses to let go of your money because you
don't understand the value of investing in education and mentorship, then
squeeze your money even tighter cuz the cost of this exclusive opportunity is
going up in 72 hours!

Again, I could tell you the value.  But I won't!  You either get it or you don't.  And
if you have any doubt, just ask Chris!  Together, we're blowing up his business!

Click Here Now to Save a Lot of Money Before Price Goes Up

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

PS:  Chris will also be in attendance for our August kick-butt Boot Camp.  You'll
able to talk and network with him to learn even more about his growing business
and how much this exclusive One-on-One opportunity has helped him!

PSS:  Send me your Declaration Pages!  A bunch of you have emailed me telling
me you don't have them.  If you can't find a copy, then request a copy from your
insurance agent.  Regardless, just do whatever you can to get me a copy so that
we can work on coming up with HUGE discounted quotes!