Subject: I'm Going to Make You Money!

Happy March to everyone within the Million Dollar Community!  As always,
I hope this message finds you all doing well and that business is booming!

These past several weeks have been some of my busiest in travel in quite
some time.  But I can honestly say that it has been a complete pleasure
and very rewarding because it is helping hardworking Providers make 
more money!

I helped one Provider negotiate a contract that is worth more than 
$100,000,000 dollars over 10 years!

I helped another Provider increase his rate of reimbursement with a 
Medicaid Broker by 22% while reducing the size of his fleet by 25%.  Such
an increase in reimbursement coupled with his overhead savings is going
to add roughly 38% profit margin to his bottom line.

And I could go on and on.  But my point is not to brag.  Rather, my point is
that I am going to share such strategies with those of you in attendance at
my upcoming April Seminar.  

This is going to be a great event because, despite our changing industry
and down economy, I am going to show you how to make more money!

And yes, making more money is a good thing.  And, yes, more money can
help change your life and circumstances.

Being blessed with the opportunity to travel and work with Providers and
business owners from around the country affords me a very unique and
macro perspective on how our industry is changing and, thus, how our
money-making opportunities are changing.

As I mentioned in previous correspondence, business has changed - even
beyond just the NEMT industry. 

But our industry specifically has definitely changed.  Doing business the
same way as we did even as recently as last year, 2013, is antiquated and

If you think I am exaggerating, mark today's date on the calendar because
come this time 2015 and definitely 2016, your business will no where
resemble your business right now. 

The only question is, how will your business be different?  Will you even
recognize your business?

One, two, three years from now, will you be making more or less money? 
Or, will you even be in business this time next year?  If yes, will you be
growing, expanding, diversifying, or will you be struggling to turn a profit?

Needless to say, I am going to fill you up with knowledge and strategies
that are highly targeted to not only today's market conditions, but
tomorrows circumstances!

As of this message, I believe we are down to our final 10 seats.  Those 
who have attended my events before can attest that these events are
limited in seating for a reason - to accommodate a better learning
experience and to help filter out those who are serious from those who
are not. 

I am very pleased because we have another great group of attendees. 
We have entrepreneurs coming from CA, TX, FL, NY, PA, NC, GA, OH, 
TN, and more.

So if you haven't yet made your reservations, I definitely encourage you
to do so ASAP.  We are definitely on track to be another sold out event. 
Once the final reservation is made the website will be taken down.

If you are serious about learning, growing, expanding, diversifying, and
making more money, then click the link below and make your reservation:

Click here to reserve your seat for Joel's upcoming Seminar

Again, thank you and congratulations to those who have already made
your reservation.  Please make sure you arrive on time on Friday the
25th so that you can join us for our Friday Night Meet & Greet.

This is my ONLY live event this year and we have some great people
coming.  You are definitely going to be pleased you attended and I
guarantee that you're going to return home poised to make even more

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group