Subject: You NEED to take action!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Community!  As always,
I hope that you are doing well and that business is booming!

I know I have been "radio silent" to many of your emails during this
past week and I apologize.  But to be honest, things have been
unbelievably crazy!

I have been working with a Transportation Provider who I have
consistently worked with for the last 4 years.  Well, we just finalized 
a HUGE deal for which this Provider will serve as the subcontractor
on a government contract that will exceed $100,000,000!! 

And yes, that is $100 MILLION dollars!!  

I can honestly say, this has been the craziest contracts I have
worked on to date for a wide variety of reason - to many to share
via email. 

But the good news, my Transportation Provider is MAKING BANK!!

And come April, at my upcoming Virginia Seminar, I am going to
share with all of you in attendance exactly how I did it and how you
can position yourself for government contracts. 

You have to understand, so much change in our industry is
encouraging organizations, both government and private, to
consolidate resources in an effort to increase efficiency and
preserve profits.

If you haven't yet reserved your seat for my Seminar, you need to
do so ASAP!  The room is filling up. 

We are almost at March and once the room sells out that's it. 

To be clear, there is NO same day payment.  

Reserve your seat and then make your travel arrangements in
advance.  Don't wait and miss out.  This is the only event I have
scheduled this year.

We have a LOT to do and discuss to include discussing 
government contracts, subcontracting, and so much more!

Click here to reserve your seat for Joel's April 2014 Seminar

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group