Subject: Great Insight from Licensee

Hello everyone, this is Elisabeth.

Joel asked that I share the enclosed thoughts and insight from one of our active licensees to further help your growth and strategic planning.  Please read below and feel free to reach out to him with any questions or, as always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions.  

Likewise, if any of you would like to share your insight and experience to further help and encourage other Licensees, we welcome your thoughts.

Warm regards,
Elisabeth R. Wilhelm
Chief Financial Officer
Dear Joel and Fellow Entrepreneurs,

I was reading the last memo Joel sent out and I wanted to share my input as to what he stated relating to the amazing opportunity the Broker Business is. The opportunity of growth is staggering with the ability to expand into different areas and markets. Sharelink has now been open for business for the past 4-5 months. We are currently growing every week and with just one of our retail stores Joel recommended we have done over 35 deliveries to date. We already have a great relationship with them. Volume is the key and as you build relationships with your customers the volume explodes.

My non-emergency medical company has allowed me to expand into doing express moves by working with families moving their elderly parents out of their homes or other care centers into assisted living centers all over my area. My contractors love these express moves because they are currently making an average of $180.00 a move and most of them finish the move in under 2 hours. As Joel has said before, traditional moving companies are never going to touch those jobs. And like he said in his letter, the opportunity for growth and the ability to tap into so many available sources of revenue is incredible. When he said he hasn’t even scratched the surface of his earning potential is an understatement.

From my experience so far, I’m finding that developing good, strong reliable contractors is the key to this business. To start up my business my first contractor I approached someone I knew. I had a dispatcher in my NEMT business that has worked for me for a long time. Her husband had wanted to start his own business. I shared with him what I was doing, and he was excited. I helped him find a 16’ box truck that was a lot cheaper as compared to buying a wheelchair van. Guided him in setting up his own business and now his company does all my express moves. It’s almost automated!

I am really excited by what Joel and his team are building on a national level and share his vision in what is possible as we all grow our broker businesses. Having strong brokers across the country gives us all incredible opportunity with national retailers and corporate clients, opportunities that we wouldn’t have on our own. I encourage everyone reading this to get involved and join our network. I would be hard pressed to calculate how much money I have invested in vehicles and capital investments over these many years of my NEMT business. In speaking from first hand experience, the capital investment for this broker business is a no brainer. I am living proof it is worth the investment. This business works and Joel and his entire team are awesome. They are always willing to help.

I fully anticipate my broker business will outgrowing and exceeding my NEMT business within the next year encourage you to get involved and stick to Joel’s amazing training videos as your guide; don’t complicate things by trying to reinvent the wheel. Joel provides you with may different ways to make money in this business, just keep it simple and follow what he teaches you. Joel’s strategies work and he has an amazing staff that will help you along the way.

To your success,
Spencer McDonald

Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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