Subject: Are You Up For The Opportunity?

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

First, let me wish you all a happy and wonderful July 4th Holiday!  Fly
your flags and be proud to be an American. 

Although taxes and socialism are on the rise, the unemployment rate
is in double digits, and the prospects for a widening recession are very
real, we must still be proud to be Americans!

Why - because we still have what has always made this country great -
our entreprenuerial spirit!

If you haven't done so already, I'm sure you can guess my politics. 
I am a true, red-white-and-blue capitalist that supports everything
that this country was founded upon; individualism, self-determination,
and capitalism.

So if you are at all like me, do not be dishearted!  Be optomistic, be
encouraged, and do your part to create wealth, stimulate the
economy, and achieve self-determination.

And now, as I step down from my soap box, I tell you why I write to
you besides wishing you a happy 4th of July!

Over this past week, since the conclusion of my June 26th Million
Dollar Seminar, I have received many emails from people that either
did not know of my Seminar or missed it for whatever reason asking
when my next Live event will be.

As of right now, I do not have plans for one until early next summer. 

However, and this is a very BIG however, if there is enough interest,
I will seriously consider hosting another live event later this year,
probably in early December.

Let me be clear.  At this point, this is simply a consideration.  And
honestly, it is really up to you, "The People!"

If enough of you email at
and confirm that you will, regardless of circumstances, "move heaven
and earth" to be in attendance at a Live Million Dollar Seminar, most
likely held in early December, I will seriously consider and explore
the possibilities of hosting such and event.

Again, let me be very clear.  I have a very busy schedule throughout
the rest of this summer and leading into the fall.  Thus, the absolute
most earliest and convenient weekend for me to host such an event
would be in the very beginning of December.

This will be after Thanksgiving and well before Christmas.  However,
if you're truly serious about building your own Million Dollar NEMT
business and/or you regret missing my last event after reading the
comments of my most recent attendees, then you need to contact
me with your commitment.

If I get enough people expressing their interest I will definitely
consider hosting this event and will initiate setting it up.  But again,
ONLY if enough of you email me at and let me know. 

Getting attendees is not a problem.  However, my concern is that
this Seminar will be hosted in the middle of the holiday season;
after Thanksgiving and before Christmas.

So if you're truly serious and you're willing to invest some of your
holiday money into your own business, then please email me with
your personal name, company name if applicable, and your level
of interest.

If you're serious, if you wish to leverage this opportunity, if you're
eager to join our growing "fraternity" that is literally creating
something special, and you see the value in the education and the
networking opportunities of such Seminars, then "Let's Roll!"

If there are enough of you that wish to join the growing number of
us at the top, then I'm Game!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

Now, more so than ever before, is the time for you to pursue your
entrepreneurial endeavors.  Taxes are going up and they will be
so even more in 2011.  You need to own your own business so
that you can create multiple sources of income, have legitimate
write-offs, and legal forms of protection!