Subject: Zoom for Your Reading with Misa


Thanks for ordering your Reading with Misa.

Some of our emails related to your Reading that we've sent through normal channels have bounced back so I'm trying a different route. Please respond to this email so I know that you received it..

For some reason, appointments for your Reading appeared twice on Misa's calendar... and only one of them for a day and time that she actually has available. I guess we'll just chalk it up to digital gremlins.:)

So you're confirmed for September 10 at 2pm EDT. If you wound up with anything on your calendar for a Reading on September 2, please remove it as that is not available.

You also requested Zoom rather than Skype. We're happy to accommodate. Please find your Zoom invitation below.

Again, please confirm.

Thanks for your patience and grace!

Jeff Burger

"The Husband"


Topic: Kat Mundel > Reading with Misa

Time: Sep 10, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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