Subject: What if I let it out?

You are the unstoppable intention of the Divine...

Hi Friend,

I wrote this about a year ago and found it again today. When I re-read it, it occurred to me that with everything going on in the world, we need to remember this more than ever. 


The world needs us to know ourselves and know how powerfully we are created.


So, at the risk of being redundant, I share it with you again!

When you were imagined in the mind of consciousness, and the first rays and sounds of what would become you burst forth, you were the unstoppable intention of the Divine!



We forget that when we get here on Earth, because we come here to forget and then remember just how amazingly and powerfully we were created. 


Have you noticed how with most kids around the ages of 5-7, even if you nurture it in them, they start to forget their connections to their Divine nature? 


My elder called that the time when the veil falls. It does not mean anything is wrong. It means we are immersing in what it means to be human with little or even no memory of our Divine natures. 

Throughout our lives, our most profound journey is to remember.

But there is a side effect. During our forgetfulness, we often feel caged, helpless and forgotten. 


That’s something we work through if we are dedicated to discovering and letting out our true nature.


If we are willing to dig through the layers of pain that have piled up and remember our true selves—so loved and desired by the Divine—life opens up in ways we’ve dreamed about and, frequently, in even better ways than we could imagine.


Then we bring that awakened awareness into physical-emotional-mental form in our lives.


I’ve noticed over the years that each individual’s unique spiritual gifts point the way to understanding the unique purpose we are here to fulfill. 


Your truest purpose is for YOU to remember—but there are significant clues available to you. 

Your spiritual gifts, as well as the distinctive struggles you are overcoming in your life right now, create a picture of who you are and the reason you are here.

That’s why I’m excited to invite dedicated spiritual practitioners like you to get a Reading with me. 


I access your unique spiritual gifts, and how you can best apply those abilities to solving your most challenging problems.


For 3 decades, I’ve been privileged to guide individuals from over 30 countries around the world…


… and I’ve discovered that every one of us is needed (and desired) for the unique contribution we are here to make.


In your Reading, we look at the ways you can move through any stuckness you are experiencing at this moment and into a place of deeper trust and joy, using your distinctive abilities and perceptions.


I look forward to meeting with you soon to discuss what Divine aspect of you is just waiting to be let out to play and create a greater life and better world!


I can’t wait to meet the unstoppable, Divine, you!


Holding you in my heart and songs,

Soul Journey Readings Special

If you know that the Divine aspect and purpose inside of you is just waiting to get out into the world, a Reading with Misa will help you get out of your current challenges and into your full expression. 


Before each reading, Misa meditates with your key questions and then shares her discoveries with you in an on-line call. 

These are not predictive readings. She does not look into your future and give you advice. Rather, she looks into your soul and shows you the unique ways you access the Divine wisdom inside of you for on-going advice and guidance. 


The innate skills you brought with you are what you can draw upon to address pervasive challenges. Many people draw on insights from their Readings with Misa for the rest of their lives. 


Learn more about what people are experiencing in their Readings with Misa and how you can create greater healing, relationships and fulfillment of your purpose.


Check out the 3 types of available Readings with Misa now. They are on special now at a sweet discount:


Readings are $197 ($100 off) for just one more week:

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What people have experienced:


Misa did an amaaaaazing reading on me. It felt so right, I was blown away!!! Since that reading also I have been much more confident and my healing has taken to a new level! —Esperanza


You were bang on. I am so grateful to you and just know you have healed me with your words! Your gift is wonderful! —Maree Howsen


After becoming one of your clients, my life has been completely altered. —Heather Love


I’ve had several types of readings done for me in the past, but I can’t remember walking away with as much valuable insight as you provided me with. —Kim Wight


Experiencing your vision and perspective has brought my life purpose into clear focus in a way that has enabled me to actually begin on a path that I recognize as truly mine. —Amari


Sound Healing of the Month

Allow these sounds to support you in bringing your thyroid into balance, as you address such symptoms as depression, weight issues, weakness, mood swings, fatigue, anxiety, nervousness and more. Half price this month:

This week you can get it for 50% off.

Why You Need a Healthy Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the human autonomic nervous system. Its fibers connect to all of your body’s organs from the neck down (except the adrenal glands), making it the primary component of your parasympathetic nervous system. 

Playing a key role in areas such as heart rate, breathing rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, detoxification and more, optimal vagus nerve function is critical to maintaining one’s health and longevity. 

Low vagal tone has been linked to:

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia 

  • Heart disease 

  • Diabetes 

  • IBS/IBD/SIBO/leaky gut 

  • Autoimmune conditions 

  • Neurological conditions

  • Cancer

In this free eGuide, you’ll find strategies to increase your vagal tone, plus facts on polyvagal theory, indications of low vagal tone and the connection between strong vagus function and a healthy immune system.

Get it here now, and with it you'll get a free seat to the Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit:

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Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women

This month's ceremony was beautiful and power. The women were so lovingly authentic.

Join Misa (Guardian of this practice) and women around the world, in this 1,000+ year old Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women—like you!


Gentlemen, you can support us by forwarding this to a woman you love.

One of the truly beautiful moments that women love is when we call in rain and snow to areas around the planet. Join us...

... Sign up here at Sacred Feminine Awakening to receive your monthly invitations and Zoom links:


We’ll see you there!

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Prescriptions from Heaven — Gift

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!

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