Subject: Wow! I really missed that one!

Happy Weekend Friend,

Guys, we are pretty deep into feminine energy with this newsletter. Please share this with a woman you care about. We are Holding you in our gratitude and love!

Have you ever gotten started with a project or artistic endeavor, only to find out later that it was really about something different—and even better—than you expected?

I actually love these surprises. They bring joy to the mystery of life!

One of the great principles in harnessing the power of creation into your own life is to simply begin. The word simply is in italics because we have a tendency to overcomplicate things, don’t we?

We think what we do has to be perfect—whatever perfect is for us.

We are afraid our ideas or our very beings won’t be positively received.

We tell ourselves we don’t know enough to begin or to be successful, and so we put off beginning until we think we have all the knowledge we need.

In many cases, these are the ways we buy into our fears. At one point in my life I was telling myself I didn’t know enough to be a consciousness teacher, and a spiritual master said to me, Isn’t that an interesting place to hide? He caught me!  ;)

Of course, we need to get better, trust we will be received by at least someone, and gain knowledge to become more skilled and proficient. It’s natural to want to keep growing.

But I can assure you, there is always someone out there who wants to know what you know—and that is the beginning of sacred service.

It’s only when you put yourself out there, you discover what the journey is really all about.

Well, that’s exactly what happened to me, when I started facilitating my Women of Power and Spirit Circles a few months ago.

You see, while I love working with the people who come to me for one-on-one private counseling, I was also aware that there are women needing a less expensive way to work with me in order to receive insights into their journeys of healing and awakening.

While many women feel their gifts and challenges are unique—and they are—I know from 30 years of being in and facilitating groups that we share many common challenges and spiritual gifts. Plus, women make exponential growth in circles.

So, I created the Women of Power and Spirit group mentoring circles… and then the women who joined showed me what they were really all about! And wow… I had really missed it!

I may have missed it, but at least I started. :)

Here’s what the women showed me about why the circle is so important for them:
  • These women have powerful medicine gifts (spiritual gifts) and they want to know how to use them in their lives with family and clients, and for their healing and for their awakening.
  • They want to know when their energy gifts can help others and when and how they can potentially cause harm.
  • Out of all the insights they receive in their daily lives, they want to know which ones are for them to follow or are there to help them serve others.
  • They want to know how to magnetize resources, people, and opportunities using their Feminine energy.
  • They are committed to understanding how to turn their empathy from being a burden into a powerful asset.
  • And more.
These women have lived their lives using masculine approaches and found themselves feeling burned out, stuck or becoming seriously sick.

They had to find a place of clear balance with their feminine and masculine energies in order to stay well, be successful, and experience lives of joy and freedom.

When you feel the call to live fully in your center and you respond, my ancestors call this Becoming a Woman of Your Choosing.

You transcend the pressures of the world and YOU become the Creatrix of your world. Finally, you fulfill your destiny.

The Women of Power and Spirit group mentoring circle has become the place that women claim their feminine empowerment by:

1. Finding the seed of self-love within them that is necessary to Hold themselves and others in love


2. Deepening into the practice of the Sacred Feminine Holding meditation to release burdens, awaken their spiritual gifts and receive Divine guidance.

As I finally understood what women want from group mentoring calls, we really started to rock!

And in honor of their collective wisdom, I recreated the web page introducing the Women of Power and Spirit Gold Circle (with group mentoring).

I want you to have the opportunity to see what it is REALLY all about, and you can do that via the link below.

Please accept this personal invitation from me to you to join the Women of Power and Spirit Gold Circle. Experience the freedom and joy that comes with bringing feminine empowerment into every area of your life.

Holding you in my heart and songs,

The Joy and Freedom of Feminine Empowerment in Living Your Destiny

The Women of Power and Spirit Gold Circle (gold for expansion) gives you a place where you discover how to access and use your Sacred Feminine energy to fully empower your life.

Dive deep with me in 2 live group mentoring calls every month to: 
  • Release painful emotions and beliefs you have carried for years
  • Transform relationships from strained to happy
  • Attract healing, people, opportunities, your purpose, and prosperity
  • Find the freedom to create the life of fulfillment and joy that you choosing
You also receive twice monthly recordings of exercises and special Holding meditations that I create for you to address and overcome obstacles—and awaken your spiritual gifts and guidance—as you reconnect with your own Divine nature.

The Women of Power and Spirit Circles are currently 50% off when you use this coupon at checkout: circle50

Given the quality and power of the sessions, it’s an amazing discount. This special rate ends on Sunday, May 31. Once you get in, the monthly group coaching rate is locked in for life!

Check it out here right now… and I look forward to seeing you in circle!

In Holding I experienced new perspective and insight about my true abilities, my inner wisdom and my personal relationship with the Divine. As a result, I am more emotionally in balance, my life seems to have a flow to it and I am beginning to feel the deep inner strength and confidence in making the best choice in every moment.
G. Z., Australia

I am feeling results in my body, a new sense of peace that stays within me for longer periods. Being overstressed for years and years it feels good to learn to rest within myself. I was deeply traumatized in my mother's womb and was afraid of being born, and grew up disconnected from mothercare and feeling safe, so these healings are of great value for me and feels indeed like a treasure, helping me heal. Thank you so much, I am so grateful. —T

Sound Healing Recordings

Let's keep COVID contained by staying strong and healthy!

Get support in your prevention and healing with Misa's recorded sound healing session for coronavirus. It's free!

Just use this coupon code at checkout: protect2020

Share with friends!

Misa asks that you write a review of your experience with the sounds and results on her website. ;)

What people experience:

This sound healing session affected me in profound ways. The first time I listened to it, I could feel it shifting and moving energy in my body. At points it was uncomfortable and immediately after listening, I started running a low fever, which Misa explains as a “healing crisis.” A day and a half later, the fever was gone and I felt better and stronger than I had all winter. This definitely cleared something out of my body (maybe multiple things), and helped me to heal. The next time I listened to the track, it was a much more easeful experience, but I could still feel it working, shifting my energy in a subtle way. Having this to turn to also provides so much mental and emotional comfort, which is priceless right now.  —Alison

Your Emerging Purpose

Enjoy this guided Holding meditation into Your Emerging Purpose:

Overcoming Trauma and PTSD

If you are struggling with trauma or PTSD, this summit was created just for you.

I am honored to be one of the 30+ world renowned teachers, therapists, doctors, psychologists and more that will be helping you break free from the grip trauma has had on your life, and/or the lives of those you love.

This online summit, which begins June 1st is brought to you by iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, Co-Owners of AVAIYA University (creators & teachers of transformational courses, books, films and online events such as Overcoming Codependency, Breaking Free From Abandonment & Betrayal, Quantum Forgiveness, and many more).

Mark your calendar and save your seat. I’ll see you there:

Prescriptions from Heaven—Free Gift

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day out right. 

To your fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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