Subject: 3 reasons you need your Spiritual Warrior within

Happy Weekend Friend,

It’s Memorial Day weekend here in the US, where we honor veterans who have died in service to their country. So I wanted to share with you 3 reasons you need the Spiritual Warrior within you.

In some spiritual traditions, the Spiritual Warrior within is the one willing to push through obstacles to protect the innocent (inside you or in others) and build your community.

1. Pushing through

My elder taught me that when we have set out on a clear course (especially when it is coming from Divine inspiration within you) and you encounter obstacles, there is something you need to do—Keep going.

She did not ascribe to the idea of taking an obstacle as a sign that she should stop. Rather, she saw it as a sign to face her fears (the real source of the obstacles). By pushing through, you overcome your obstacles.

2. Protecting innocence

A medicine man shared with me about the energy of Mother Bear as a great protectress of the innocent. Have you noticed how quickly your protective instincts rise up when an innocent person is treated unjustly?

If we are going to create a world in which each person is treated with respect, we need the protective instinct that stands up for people who may not be able to stand up for themselves.

That same instinct is what helps you navigate to safe people and environments in order to protect your sensitive core. It responds to injustice and leads you to safety—both for the sake of protecting what you value inside you.

3. Building community

A Sioux Sundance chief once told me that when warriors are not fighting to protect, their sacred duty is to build their communities. I like that peace-time focus.

And the Urban Monk, Pedram Shojai, shared with me in an interview that (I’m paraphrasing) when your dharma is greater than your ego, you take significant action in service to your community.

It is your Spiritual Warrior that works through the internal resistance to in order to find creative and meaningful solutions to tough problems and create a better world.

And I believe…

The truly evolved Spiritual Warrior within protects innocence and builds community with love.

Whatever you feel about war, drafts, and the loved ones you have lost, consider honoring the Spiritual Warrior inside you and inside all of us this Memorial Day weekend.

I Hold a prayer in my heart that the day will come when all beings on this planet love and care for the innocent. And the Spiritual Warrior within leads us to push through our personal obstacles, so we can fulfill our purpose as, together, we build our communities.

Holding you and your Spiritual Warrior within,

Pushing through the obstacles in your life in a feminine way

Guys, please share this with a woman you love. 

Most of us have more experience with our masculine (action oriented) nature, but limited experiences with the depth and potential of yin energy. When you deeply know your yin nature, you can access its power for transforming limiting beliefs and emotions.

Yin energy opens up the space for clear, meaningful guidance for your choices and actions.

If you are a woman in service to others—caregiver, coach, nurse, doctor, therapist, social worker, teacher, ceremonialist, or mother…

… feminine wisdom takes you inward to receive guidance for your healing, purpose and awakening. Your masculine energy then acts in service to that wisdom.

Misa created Women of Power and Spirit group mentoring calls to give you a place where you can get unstuck.

It’s a place to awaken your Feminine Power to heal and manifest, so you can relax and enjoy life in fulfilling your destiny.

You learn how to use your Sacred Feminine energy to transform and empower your life—relationships, health, prosperity and purpose.

In these live circles (recordings available), you deeply explore the power of the Holding meditation to access your yin energy for healing trauma and manifesting desires.
  • One woman put an end to 15 years of chronic genetic depression in 90 days
  • Another manifested 3 job opportunities for her husband in just one week
  • Misa used it to heal cancer in her body

  • Women release painful emotions and beliefs they have carried for years
  • Women overcome obstacles and awaken their spiritual gifts and guidance
  • Women find Divine freedom to create the lives they choose to experience

The Gold Circle is currently at a 50% lifetime discount when you use this coupon at checkout: circle50

Given the quality of the sessions, it’s an amazing value. This special invitation won’t be around much longer. Once you get in, the monthly group coaching rate is locked in for life!

Check it out here, now and Misa will see you in Gold Circle:

In Holding I experienced new perspective and insight about my true abilities, my inner wisdom and my personal relationship with the Divine. As a result, I am more emotionally in balance, my life seems to have a flow to it and I am beginning to feel the deep inner strength and confidence in making the best choice in every moment.
G. Z., Australia

I am feeling results in my body, a new sense of peace that stays within me for longer periods. Being overstressed for years and years it feels good to learn to rest within myself. I was deeply traumatized in my mother's womb and was afraid of being born, and grew up disconnected from mothercare and feeling safe, so these healings are of great value for me and feels indeed like a treasure, helping me heal. Thank you so much, I am so grateful. —T

Sound Healing Recordings

If COVID is still going, so are we. Stay strong and healthy!

Get Misa's recorded sound healing session for coronavirus for free!

Share with friends!

Misa asks that you write a review of your experience with the sounds and results on her website. ;)

What people experience:

This sound healing session has been amazing for me in so many ways. For one, it has eased my concerns around this virus. It has also helped to clear other viruses in my body, I can breathe deeper and fuller after sitting with this a few times now. I feel more joy, more lightness of being. And I also feel held in such deep love. It also brought me in touch with my own sound medicine, that I had been getting out of touch with a bit since a while. Now I sing and tune and work with the sounds, in a way that makes life a lot more fun. I am so grateful to have received this beautiful healing, and my intention sitting with this has been—to through my strengthened energy field, allow others to upgrade into this higher vibration too! It is a very deep, beautiful healing session that works on so many levels. Thank you so much dear Misa! —Jenny

Prescriptions from Heaven—Free Gift

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day out right. 

To your fulfillment!
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