Subject: Why bootstrapping this—isn’t a good idea

Some things aren’t meant for powering through

Hi Friend,

In case you aren’t familiar with this idiom of “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps,” it originated in the late 1800’s and originally meant an impossible task (impossible to lift yourself off the floor by pulling on the straps of your boots).


But since then, it has evolved over the century to mean improving your life without outside help. It implies that anyone can become a self-made person.


Given that it’s impossible for anyone to become successful without other people, it’s a naïve notion; however, it’s a concept that often still lingers in our beliefs. 


Sometimes we get the idea that we have to make our progress on our own. We think we are so different or so damaged that no one else could possibly understand what we are going through. 


And so we isolate ourselves, all the while, yearning for connection and compassion. I know this really well. I did it for years. 


While it’s true that in the journey of our healing and awakening, we are ultimately seeking to remember how much Divine consciousness loves us…


… this is not a journey we need to take entirely by ourselves.

Clearly, we can’t power our way through to love. But we can experience profound openings to self-love by allowing ourselves to experience compassion from others.

Divinely inspired self-love isn’t something you make happen, it’s something you allow to happen to you. 


And it happens as we become more adept at deeply feeling and experiencing our connectedness to nature, ourselves, the Divine and to each other.

After being in and facilitating hundreds upon hundreds of circles, I’m deeply aware that masculine approaches like bootstrapping or being told what to do…


… don’t tend to help us heal from trauma we experienced as children. And trauma lies at the root of our physical and emotional healing.

However, when we sit in circle with sister-women, we uncover our own unique ways of healing and empowering each other. We have destinies we were meant for, and when our traumas are released, our destinies reveal themselves.

That’s why I created Women of Power and Spirit Gold Circles, so that you have a safe place to discover and unleash your true power—as we say—to become a woman of your choosing.


If you are taking any of my classes, or you are going deeper into the practice of Holding—and you have questions, Gold Circle is the place to ask them. If you’ve had a sacred experience you long to share, this is the place where it will be Held with love and respect. 


Or if you want a little intuitive advice from the women, you can ask for that too.  😉


I just made a new video so you can hear more about how women get to the breakthroughs that transform their lives in Gold Circle!

And we have a spot waiting for you! 💖


Women of Power and Spirit Gold Circle is available at nearly 50% off (lifetime discount) now through this Tuesday, March 22nd.  Learn more here. We would love for you to join us:

Holding you in my heart and songs,

PS Guys, while the group is for women, you are always welcome to schedule private sessions with me to put some lift into your journey of transformation.

On Sale: Group Mentoring Support for Misa's Courses and Your Holding Practice

If you have one of Misa’s courses sitting on a shelf, this is the perfect time to get the support you need in Gold Circle to complete (or review) the course—and get the results you’ve been wanting to see.


You can accelerate the results you are getting in your Holding practice or in any of Misa’s courses by joining her twice-monthly live Women of Power and Spirit Gold Circles. 


Circles are small enough to ensure you are seen and heard, and big enough to provide you with exciting new perceptions from your sister members. 


Plus Gold Circle entitles you to email support and monthly recorded topic discussions and special Holding meditations.

You can get into Women of Power and Spirit Circles right now for nearly 50% off the usual price—and enjoy this exceptional discount for as long as you choose to be a member. 


Join an incredible circle of awakening women dedicated to using their spiritual gifts to create exceptionally fulfilling lives:

Here’s some of what women have experienced in Mentoring Circle with Misa:

I was feeling unsafe all my life, for 65 long years in the world. Stuck in trauma response, being a victim, triggered by everything and I didn't know my deepest wounds were being hurt again and again because I didn't know what they were… finally I feel safe in my skin on this earth… Misa was an amazing leader. Her energy, her voice, and her teachings and her support, and in the community she has created, I felt heard every time, seen and known. I'm speaking again. I'm breathing again. I'm alive again. And I love it.  —K

I didn't have a practice or even a perspective that allowed me to experience Divine love and motherly love—that allowed me to explore and heal in a way that really resonated with me… Now I feel a sense of safety and a sense of clarity and belonging… This offers the experience and teaching of not having to pretend to be somewhere or someone that we're not in order to be enough and be accepted and able to contribute. —C

"In these challenging times, the Gold Circle has become my lifeline. The twice monthly circles feed my soul. The recordings for the Discussion Topics always are pertinent to what is happening right now in my life and the Holding Meditations take me deep within to my own Source for understanding and growth. The sharing that happens with the women in the Circle who have completed this preparation, goes deep. What each woman expresses triggers insights for all of us. The level of trust, support, and love revitalizes me and gives me the strength to live the life I choose." —Judith

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