Subject: Getting the healing/emotional support you need?

When personal touch matters 😉

Hi Friend,

Many years ago, I was sitting in medicine circle with my elder when she asked if we had any questions. My mind went blank. 🤫 Have you ever been there?


Thankfully, someone else in the circle did have a question, and I sat there thinking, “That’s a great question! Why didn’t I think of that?”


In my primary school years, learning was about answering questions, not asking them. That habit became quite embedded, so it’s taken me the better part of my life to get used to inquiring.


Gratefully, throughout my life as I sat in circles or in classes, there was always someone with an inquisitive mind, asking questions and getting insights I didn’t even know I wanted or needed! 🤔


That kind of kismet is one of the qualities of mentoring circles that I love! 


Even now when I’m in a course or a member of a mentoring group, I get amazing pieces for my own life’s puzzle through other people’s questions.


Listening to the answers other people receive, has a way of opening up my own curiosity as I try to map their answers onto my own life. When that happens, my own questions come to mind so I can get the clarity I personally needed.


But like many of us, I need to feel safe. That’s true whether I’m asking a questions or sharing something from my life experiences (especially spiritual ones). I need to know my contribution will be met with respect and positive responses. 👍


If I’m struggling with something, I’m happy to receive suggestions when I know no one is trying to fix me, but rather, are truly offering ideas for me to consider in the spirit of contributing to my greater joy and ease in life.


And that’s not just my experience. As a trained educator, I learned many years ago that safe environments…


… where we can ask questions, share significant experiences, and receive positive support accelerate our ability to learn and grow.

So, when I received feedback that people loved my online video courses, but also really wanted a place where they could ask questions and get insights, I knew what to do…


… I created a mentoring group that embodies all the qualities I value. 🦋


I also know when women come together in a safe environment, we create kismet. We get insights we never knew we were looking for and that’s what makes coming together so powerful!


Something beautiful and bigger than any one of us happens as each woman who is inspired to share or inquire is treated with honor and respect by the group.


Right now, some women in my mentoring group are deepening into Holding, some are in my SHE Academy master classes, and/or taking Sound Healing, Awakening the Inner Child, Breakthrough Healing or Mystic Dreaming courses.


The group is called Women of Power and Spirit Gold Circle and it’s a place where you can catapult your emotional/spiritual journey… and experiences some kismet, of course. 😉


I hope you’ll join us. In fact, we’ve made it easier right now with a lifetime discount of almost half off! Check it out below.

Holding you in my heart and songs,

PS Guys, while the group is for women, you are always welcome to schedule private sessions with me to put some lift in your journey of transformation.

On Sale: Group Mentoring Support for Your Healing and Awakening

You can accelerate the results you are getting in your Holding practice or in any of Misa’s courses by joining her twice-monthly Women of Power and Spirit Gold Circles. 


Circles are small enough to ensure you are seen and heard, and big enough to provide you with exciting new perceptions from your sister members.


Plus Gold Circle entitles you to email support and a monthly recorded topic discussions and special Holding meditations.


You can get into Women of Power and Spirit Circles right now for nearly 50% off the usual price!


Join an incredible circle of awakening women dedicated to using their spiritual gifts to create exceptionally fulfilling lives. Hurry... our next Circle is this Saturday, March 19!

Here’s some of what women have experienced in Mentoring Circle with Misa:

I was feeling unsafe all my life, for 65 long years in the world. Stuck in trauma response, being a victim, triggered by everything and I didn't know my deepest wounds were being hurt again and again because I didn't know what they were… finally I feel safe in my skin on this earth… Misa was an amazing leader. Her energy, her voice, and her teachings and her support, and in the community she has created, I felt heard every time, seen and known. I'm speaking again. I'm breathing again. I'm alive again. And I love it.  —K

I didn't have a practice or even a perspective that allowed me to experience Divine love and motherly love—that allowed me to explore and heal in a way that really resonated with me… Now I feel a sense of safety and a sense of clarity and belonging… This offers the experience and teaching of not having to pretend to be somewhere or someone that we're not in order to be enough and be accepted and able to contribute. —C

"In these challenging times, the Gold Circle has become my lifeline. The twice monthly circles feed my soul. The recordings for the Discussion Topics always are pertinent to what is happening right now in my life and the Holding Meditations take me deep within to my own Source for understanding and growth. The sharing that happens with the women in the Circle who have completed this preparation, goes deep. What each woman expresses triggers insights for all of us. The level of trust, support, and love revitalizes me and gives me the strength to live the life I choose." —Judith

Master Your Moments

In Misa’s most recent Divine Feminine Voices interview, she talks again with spiritual mentor and guide, Shazna Jai, about what it takes to master the moment.


You’ll Discover:

  • What it means to master the moment

  • Why it’s a fundamental element in spiritual awakening

  • Why life gets easier when it becomes a way of living

  • Shazna Jai’s hot tip for experiencing ease and joy

Plus Shazna does a brief, but important reading for us. (Misa had a personal reading done my Shazna and found it to be one of the most powerful readings she's had in her life.)


Watch the interview here:

Discover the Alchemical Power of the Spaces In-Between

Misa’s friend, Sande Hart, founder of S.A.R.A.H. (The Spiritual And Religious Alliance for Hope) is releasing her new book, The Liminal Odyssey, where synchronicities become daily occurrences and the mundane becomes the miraculous.


Here’s Misa's review of the book:


Insight is wisdom when it inspires you to seek the potential within yourself. Sande Hart’s book, The Liminal Odyssey, provides you with an invitation to discover the threshold within you that gives profound meaning to your life, even within this crazy world. She entices you into her world of discoveries, and as you laugh and cry, you soon find you want to live in the kind of alchemical reality that she knows intimately well. It’s a book you won’t want to put down and you’ll want to keep handy on your bookshelf for those moments when you aren’t sure what to think or do next. Flip it open to a random page and get a burst of wisdom that will guide and embolden you to live, as the author suggests, in epic proportions.


This is a book you’ll want to have, so claim your free gift, and receive a notice from the author when the book hits the shelves:

Prescriptions from Heaven

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!

Share them with someone you love. 💚