Subject: When You Are Longing for Something More in Your Life…June Newsletter

Happy June Friend!

Have you ever longed for something more, but couldn’t quite figure out what it was or what you needed to do?

You are not alone.

This is your purpose calling you. Your true purpose.

We tend to think about purpose as it relates to career, but as you already know, career is not as important as Divine awareness and expression.

Your soul has its own plan for how you will experience and fulfill your purpose—your sacred contract for your time on earth.

A medicine man once came to me in my dreams and explained various time frames for fulfilling purposes.

Here is what this medicine man so graciously shared with me about fulfillment of purpose.

(I’ve added some of my own insights from readings with people in italics.)

Some of us fulfill our purpose as soon as we are born or when we are very young. Some children cross over as soon as their purpose is fulfilled and others stay to experience life here. This can be very challenging for those of us whose young ones have died. To our earthly selves it feels like they (and we) were cheated out of life, but in truth, they completed their sacred contract. For those that fulfill their purpose while young and continue to live, the challenge lies in finding a sense of meaning.

Some of us fulfill our purpose throughout our lives. These individuals often seem to glide into their purpose from a young age and remain dedicated throughout their lives. Many of these individuals know what they’ve come here to do, whether they are serving one person or millions. Sometimes it is directly connected to a career, though it can also manifest as taking care of a single individual.

There are those that fulfill their purpose later in life. For these individuals life can be challenging if they are expecting to know and fulfill their purpose throughout their lives. 
Life is more often about layers of preparation and these individuals get to discover meaning within their various explorations.

Others of us fulfill our purpose in a single moment. This is what the medicine man wanted me to most understand, because in earthly thinking, this is the least understood. In this case, life experiences prepare you for a single moment—a butterfly effect. When that moment has passed, you are free to explore as you wish.

There is one more that many of my clients have been relieved to know about. Some of us fulfill our sacred contracts during our sleeping dreamtime. In these cases, what you are doing might be less obvious and individuals can feel a bit lost when it comes to finding meaning in their lives.

If you aren’t quite sure when or how you are to fulfill your purpose, don’t worry. It will show itself, if you continue to follow your intuitive guidance and use your spiritual gifts. Your soul purpose awakens when the time is right.

In the mean time, there are three things you can do to open your awareness about your purpose, when you feel that deep longing for something more in your life.
1. Surrender — Give yourself a little inner spiritual retreat. Let go of any thoughts or feelings about who you are or what you should be doing. Every time you feel that inner pressure—that “I should”—give it to the Divine. Your purpose and sacred contract came from Divine consciousness, so rather than put pressure on yourself, give that responsibility back to the Divine, with trust that you will be given clear direction as you empty out your thoughts.

2. Become an empty vessel — Divine consciousness best does its work when your vessel is empty. That means, all the human beliefs and impulses of human ego need to be lovingly Held in compassion so they can dissolve. The more quiet your mind and emotions become, the more room there is for the Divine to work through you. Ancient spiritual cultures call this becoming the hollow bone or hollow reed.

3. Observe — Notice what comes into and through your life with a sense of childlike curiosity and wonder. This is where the Divine shows you how to truly expand into the limitless nature of Divine love and expression here on earth. Notice where you feel love and joy, then follow it with innocence and a child’s trust.

And keep in mind that when you are learning, some things work and some things don’t work. Ease is not always in indication of rightness. When you learned to walk, you fell quite a few times.

My elder taught me that when something is truly right and important, you will probably have some obstacles to overcome as you learn how to get out of the way to let it happen.

Every shaman I meet says the same thing. Fulfillment is all about moving through the veil of forgetfulness by learning how to get out of our own way. ☺

Holding you in a vision of your passionate life,

Enjoy these free resources for helping you find greater fulfillment

Article from Misa
When you are longing for something more, sometimes it helps to have clarity about why you might be experiencing setbacks or blocks.

In Misa’s article, she explores a fundamental question that changed her life. If you are feeling stuck or out of touch, you might want to ask yourself the same question:

Discover the Gifts of the Sacred Feminine
The Holding meditation is used to help you Hold and dissolve difficult emotions, but it can also be used to Hold the dreams that are just on the edge of your consciousness.

Perhaps those dreams aren’t fully accessible at the moment, yet those dreams occupy space and that space can be Held.

If you don’t have The Holding Meditation yet, you can get a free download here.

With it, you’ll receive announcements for Misa’s monthly Healing Water Teleceremonies for women.

This Week's Favorite Prescription from Heaven

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right. 

To your fulfillment!
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