Subject: What you may not know about your purpose…

I wish everyone knew this

Hi Friend,

When I help someone get in touch with their life purpose, I rarely talk about careers. And there is a reason for that.


You see, our culture tells us that your purpose is about the kind of work you will do in the world, and there is some truth to that.


But in over 20 years of doing readings for people, I’ve learned that your career is just one expression of your sacred purpose.


There are two insights about purpose that I wish everyone knew... because we would all experience much greater happiness if we did!

Here’s what I wish everyone knew:


1.     Your purpose is far more vast than a career and it spans across every aspect of your life. You came into this world with your purpose operating the day you were born. It has more to do with how you are and how you perceive life than what you can do to bring money in. That said, recognizing your purpose is fundamental to serving in the most meaningful way possible.


2.     Your purpose is fulfilled in your relationships—all of them. We tend to think purpose is about what we do, but I learned from an elder, who had a near-death-experience, that the only way you fulfill your purpose is through your relationships with people and the beings of Mother Earth. How you are in your relationships, she explained,  matters more than what you do.


Actually, there is a third insight I think is very important. The person who can best define your purpose is you! When I have the privilege of doing in a Life Path Reading, I’m very aware that I get to point you in the direction of your purpose by sharing the powerful qualities I see in you that might be difficult for you to see in yourself. 😊

In this video I give you an idea about how a Life Path Reading works, and below the video I share the 4 most common questions I’m asked.

Check out the video here:

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You can get a Life Path Reading, Healing Reading or Soul Journey Reading at a special discount through the end of the month. (See below.)


I’d be honored to help you discover the amazing confluence of spiritual gifts and perceptions that only you bring to this beautiful earth.


Holding you in the fulfillment of your purpose, 

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Readings Special

Misa’s Readings are on special for $197 ($100 off) through the end of July. Misa's schedule fills up fast, so get yours now in order to reserve your spot ASAP.


Choose from 3 types of Readings for what you’re working on now:


Healing Reading

Life Path Reading

Soul Journey Reading


People are blown away by how much useful information they get in a Reading with Misa. You can learn about how each of these types of Readings work and the results people are getting:

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What people have experienced:


I feel like I grew leaps and bounds and touched upon something deeper in me than ever before while under Misa’s guidance. Misa’s approach made the experience feel like there was no ‘problem’ in me that need fixing. Instead, there were only discoveries of all my unique gifts and strengths and how to use those to my advantage. I always felt heard, supported, and encouraged. Misa is incredibly wise. I could tell by how she listened, what she chose to say when she talked, and how that energetically affected my body positively. Her perspectives really helped me make some significant shifts in my view of myself, which has positively affected my health. —Andrea

Misa has woken me up many times, providing just the “A-ha!” piece I needed to move my business to the next level. With everything she offers, Misa incorporates her vantage point that your work is your spiritual practice. All of this plus, her solid business background and powerful intuition, add up to the most enjoyable and productive coaching I have received. —Snow


My resistances against Self melted away in the safe and loving space Misa held for me. Misa’s knowing comes from a deep, deep place. I’ve never felt as understood or heard as profoundly as in my sessions with Misa. Her gentle yet powerful guidance allowed me to finally start truly forgiving myself and others and move into spacious love and peace. —Celine

Sound Healing of the Month

Allow these sounds to support you in bringing your thyroid into balance, as you address such symptoms as depression, weight issues, weakness, mood swings, fatigue, anxiety, nervousness and more. Half price this month:

Right now you can get it for 50% off.

Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women

Join Misa (Guardian of this practice) and women around the world, in this 1,000+ year old Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women—like you!


Gentlemen, you can support us by forwarding this to a woman you love.


Sign up here at Sacred Feminine Awakening to receive your monthly invitations and Zoom links:


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